Week 10 – Thursday

SOAR: (503) 384-2482, soarlegal@emoregon.org

Next class: Tuesday, June 16, 7-8:30 pm

Reading + Civics

After World War 2, the United States was worried about the Soviet Union and Communism.

This time is called “The Cold War.” The Soviet Union broke up in 1991.

From The Civil War to the 1950s, black people in American did not have equal rights.

White people used the law, education, and fear against black people. This was a terrible time of racial discrimination.

The Civil Rights Movement was a group of protestors who tried to end racial discrimination. They protested, spoke, and got arrested.

One of the Civil Rights Movement leaders was Martin Luther King Jr. He fought for civil rights.

We remember Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday in January.

The google slides are available here.

N-400 Final Questions in Part 12!

  1. Do you support the Constitution and form of Government of the United States?
  2. Do you understand the full Oath of Allegiance to the United States?
  3. Are you willing to take the full Oath of Allegiance to the United States?
  4. If the law requires it, are you willing to bear arms on behalf of the United States?
  5. If the law requires it, are you willing to perform noncombatant services in the U.S. armed forces?
  6. If the law requires it, are you willing to perform work of national importance under civilian direction?

The slides are here.