Week 3, Tuesday (Summer 2020)


How are you? What did you do today?

Reading and Civics

More than 15,000 years ago, people came to North America, Central America, and South America.

They spread all over America, and created many different cultures and civilizations.

These people were the Native Americans, or American Indians.

Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived? –> American Indians or Native Americans

There were thousands of different American Indian groups, called tribes.

Each tribe had its own traditions, leaders, art, and culture. Some had their own languages, too.

One example is the Pueblo tribe. Today, a Pueblo woman, Deb Haaland, is a US Representative in New Mexico.

Name one American Indian tribe in the United States. –> Pueblo

In England, the leader of the government was a king.

The British king had a lot of power, and many people did not have freedom.

So, many people became colonists, and came to America.

What is one reason colonists came to America? –> Freedom

What group of people was taken to America and sold as slaves? –> African people

Why does the flag have 13 stripes? –> There were 13 original colonies

There were 13 original states. Name three. –> New York, New Hampshire, New Jersey

  1. Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived?
  2. Name one American Indian tribe in the United States.
  3. What is one reason colonists came to America?
  4. What group of people was taken to America and sold as slaves?
  5. Why does the flag have 13 stripes?
  6. There were 13 original states. Name three.

N-400 Practice: George Lincoln

Watch and listen to this example interview with an officer and George Lincoln.

  • What questions do you hear?
  • How many times does George say “excuse me” or a similar question?
  • Can you write down all the important numbers?
    • Don’t worry – that’s not a real Social Security Number! 🙂


  • American Indians lived here first.
  • People came here to be free.
  • People from Africa came as slaves.