Personal Questions 3

  1. When were you born / What is your date of birth?
  2. Where were you born?
  3. Are you a citizen of that country?
  4. Are your mother or father US citizens?

What is your phone number?

My phone number is 503-111-1111

What is your date of birth? / When were you born?

I was born in May / I was born on May 1, 1980

Where were you born?

In _____ / I was born in ______

Are you a citizen of that country?

Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. I’m a citizen of ______.

Are your mother or father US citizens?

Yes, my mom is. / Yes, my dad is. / Yes, they both are. / No, they’re not.


  • Personal Questions 1
    1. What is your full legal name?
    2. Have you used any other names?
    3. When did you become a lawful permanent resident?
  • Personal Questions 2
    1. Do you want to legally change your name?
    2. Where do you live? / What is your current address?
    3. What is your phone number? / Have you changed your phone number recently?
    4. Where were you born?
  • Personal Questions 3
    1. When were you born / What is your date of birth?
    2. Where were you born?
    3. Are you a citizen of that country?
    4. Are your mother or father US citizens?