Week 1: What is the citizenship test?

What is your name?

My name is __________.

Have you used any other names?

Excuse me?

Have you used any other names?

Some people call me ________________. / No / No, I haven’t

When did you become a lawful permanent resident?

In _______________.

About Citizenship

What are the 4 parts of the citizenship interview?

  • Civics:
    • History, Government, People, Places
    • 100 Questions
    • 6 correct questions / 10
  • N-400 Personal Questions
    • Questions from your application for citizenship
    • The officer will check your information
    • Test of English:
      • Can you use English to communicate?
      • Do you understand the questions and your answers?
  • Reading:
    • 1 short question / 3 opportunities
    • Short, easy words
    • Can the officer understand you?
  • Writing
    • 1 short sentence / 3 opportunities
    • Write it on the computer tablet
    • Spelling and small mistakes are ok
    • Can the officer understand you?


  • What part is easy for you?
  • What English skills do you need in each part?
  • How can you practice?
  • What part do you need help with?