The Day of the Interview

Practice Questions and Answers:

  • How are you doing today?
  • What is your full legal name?

  • What do you do?
    • I work at ________________
    • I take care of my family.
    • I am unemployed.
    • I am retired.
    • I am a student at ________

Watch this video from USCIS with important information about the day of your interview.

You know that you should come _____________ minutes early, and the address of USCIS in Portland is _________ ________ Overton St.

But when you come to USCIS for the interview, what should you bring?

Choose 2 out of 3 (2 are correct, 1 is not necessary). For example:

Your notice of interview appointment.Permanent Resident Card.A toothbrush and toothpaste.

Passports and ID           

Your passport and Oregon ID (or drivers license)A library card with your name on it.All your expired (old) passports.

More helpful documents

Your marriage certificate (if you’re married)Your divorce papers (if you’re divorced).Flowers (if you meet someone cute at the interview)

Other legal papers

Official papers for your dog or cat (if you have one)Name change papers (if you changed your name before)Court papers (if you had a criminal problem before)

Selective Service

For men between 18-31, you should bring proof of Selective Service Registration. Please call Selective Service at 1-847-688-6888 or visit

2020 Updates

A face mask to help prevent COVID-19A stick that is 6 feet long so you will stay physically distant. A black pen

More Places in the US (Week 2)

Civics Review: Oregon Leaders

Reading+Civics: Places

Do you know what this famous statue is?

The Statue of Liberty is a famous place in New York.

Have you ever visited the Statue of Liberty?

Where is the Statue of Liberty? –> New York

The United States has many long rivers.

The number one longest river in the United States is the Mississippi.

Name one of the two longest rivers in the United States. –> Mississippi

Oregon, Washington, and California are states. They are part of the 50 United States.

Citizens in states can vote for president. But they also have to pay federal taxes.

The United States also has territories. Territories are not the same as states. For example, Puerto Rico is a territory with more than 3 million people.

They are part of the US, but the citizens there do not vote for president. But, they do not have to pay the same taxes.

Another US territory is Guam. It is an island in the Pacific Ocean with about 165,000 people.

Name one US Territory. –> Puerto Rico

The United States flag has 50 stars. Each star represents one state.

The flag has 50 stars because we have 50 states.

Why does the flag have 50 stars? –> Because we have 50 states

Week 2 Civics: Places

Review: Current Leaders

Reading+Civics: Places

Where is this? How do you know?

The federal government meets in Washington, D.C.

It is the home of Congress, the President, and the Supreme Court.

What is the capital of the United States? –> Washington, D.C.

This is the Oregon capital building.

Every state has a capital, too. Oregon’s capital is Salem.

It is the home of the governor, the state congress, and the state supreme court.

What is the capital of your state? –> Salem (Oregon), Olympia (Washington)

The United States has two coasts where the ocean borders the country.

Oregon, Washington, and California are next to the Pacific Ocean.

We can drive and visit the Pacific Ocean on the West Coast.

What ocean is on the West Coast of the United States? –> The Pacific

The Atlantic Ocean is on the East Coast of the United States. It is too far away from us!

What ocean is on the East Coast of the United States? –> The Atlantic

The United States borders Canada. That means the US is next to Canada.

Canada is to the north of the United States. Many states border Canada.

Washington is one example of a state that borders Canada.

Name one state that borders Canada. –> Washington

The United States also borders Mexico.

Mexico is to the South of the United States.

4 states border Mexico. California is one state that borders Mexico.

Name one state that borders Mexico. –> California

Week 2: The Interview and Application

What is your phone number?

My phone number is 503-111-1111

What is your date of birth?

Can you repeat that please?

When were you born?

I was born in May / I was born on May 1, 1980

Where were you born?

In _____ / I was born in ______

Citizenship Process

  1. Have you filled out the N-400?
    1. Yes I have / No I haven’t
  2. Have you sent the N-400?
  3. Have you gotten the receipt of the N-400?
  4. Have you gotten an appointment for biometrics?
  5. Have you gone to the USCIS office for biometrics?
  6. Have you gotten an appointment for your interview?
  7. Have you gone to the USCIS office for an interview?
  8. Have you taken the oath of citizenship?

Week 1: About the application for citizenship

What is your name?

My name is Eric.

Do you want to legally change your name?

Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

What is your current address?

I’m sorry?

Where do you live?

I live at 7931 NE Halsey St., Portland Oregon, 97213. / I live in Southeast Portland.

Where were you born?

In / I was born in

Review: The Citizenship Test

  1. How many parts are in the citizenship test?
  2. How many sentences do you need to read clearly for the reading test?
  3. How many clear sentences do you need to write for the writing test?
  4. Why does the officer ask you questions about your N400 Citizenship Application?
    • Reason 1:
    • Reason 2:
  5. What information is in the civics test?
  6. If you have the old civics test, how many correct questions do you need?
  7. If you have the new civics test (application after December 1, 2020), how many correct questions do you need?

The N400 Application

The application for citizenship is also called Form N-400. You can find the N400 application online, here.

The application has 20 pages of questions. It is very important to understand the questions and your answers.

If there are mistakes or incorrect information, the application can be denied (stopped, cancelled).

One important question is about eligibility. This means: can you become a citizen?

If you want to apply to become a citizen, you must:

  • Be a lawful permanent resident for 4 years and 9 months or more
    • Or: Be a lawful permanent resident married to a US Citizen for 3 years or more
  • Lived in the United States for 30 months or more in the last 5 years
  • Never have taken a trip outside of the US that was more than 1 year
  • Lived in your state for 3 months or more
  • Be a good person 😊

SOAR Immigration Legal Services can help people prepare the application. Usually, you can consult with a lawyer or immigration representative for $50. Four times every year, you can meet with them on “Citizenship Day” for free. You can find their information here.

If you apply by yourself, please check all the information online about what documents you should send with the N400.

With the application and documents, most people must send a check or money order for $725 to the Department of Homeland Security. This is the application fee.

There is (in January 2021) still a fee waiver that makes the application fee less, or free. SOAR can help answer questions about this, or you can read more online.

US Civics Week 1: US and State Leaders

Reading and Civics: Leaders

Congress has two parts: the Senate and the House.

The leader of the House of Representatives is called the Speaker of the House.

Official portrait of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, photographed January 11, 2019 in the Office of the Speaker in the United States Capitol.

Right now, the Speaker of the House is Nancy Pelosi, from California.

What is the name of the Speaker of the House now? –> Nancy Pelosi

The highest court in the United States is the Supreme Court.

The leader of the Supreme Court is called the Chief Justice.

Swearing in of Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts.

Right now, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is John Roberts.

Who is the Chief Justice of the United States now? –> John Roberts

The leader of the federal government is the president.

The leader of a state is called the governor. In most states, we elect a governor for 4 years.

Extra information: In Vermont and New Hampshire, they elect a governor for only 2 years.

You need to know the governor of your state. Right now, the governor of Oregon is Kate Brown. In Washington state, the governor is Jay Inslee.

Who is the Governor of your state now? –> Kate Brown (Oregon)

Who is the Governor of your state now? –> Jay Inslee (Washington)

Every state has two senators who go to Washington D.C. They work in the Senate.

Senators work for all of the people in the state. You need to know at least one of the names of your state’s senators.

Oregon’s senators are Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley.

Washington’s senators are Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell.

Who is one of your state’s US Senators now? –> Ron Wyden or Jeff Merkley (Oregon) –> Patty Murray or Maria Cantwell (Washington)

Each state also has representatives in the House of Representatives.

Some states have more representatives because they have more people. For example, Oregon has 5 representatives. But, Washington state has 10 representatives.

If you don’t know who your representative is, you can check using your zip code or address on the US House website.

The representative for Portland, Gresham, and some other places is Earl Blumenauer.

The representative for Beaverton and Washington County in Oregon is Suzanne Bonamici.

If you live in Southwest Washington state, your representative is probably Jaime Herrera Beutler. She works for people in Vancouver, Longview, and other parts of Southwest Washington.

Name your US Representative. –> Earl Blumenauer (Portland), Suzanne Bonamici (Beaverton and Washington County), Kurt Schrader (Lake Oswego, Wilsonville, and farther south), Jaime Herrera Beutler (Southwest Washington)

The United States is a democracy. This means every person has a voice, and every citizen has a vote.

American citizens can do many things to be part of our democracy. They can participate in many ways.

For example, citizens can vote for leaders they like. In Oregon and Washington, citizens can also vote on new laws for the state.

Another way Americans can participate is calling or emailing your representative.

When you call your representative, you can tell them your opinion about important things. A good representative will listen to the people.

A bad representative will not get your votes in the next election. 🙂

What are 2 ways that Americans can participate in their democracy? –> Vote and Call your Representative

Civics Review

  1. What is the capital of the United States?*
  2. What is the capital of your state?*
  3. What is the name of the President of the United States now?*
  4. What is the political party of the President now?
  5. What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now?
  6. What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now?
  7. Who is the Chief Justice of the United States now?
  8. Who is the Governor of your state now?
  9. Who is one of your state’s U.S. Senators now?*
  10. Name your U.S. Representative.
  11. What are two ways that Americans can participate in their democracy?

Week 1: What is the citizenship test?

What is your name?

My name is __________.

Have you used any other names?

Excuse me?

Have you used any other names?

Some people call me ________________. / No / No, I haven’t

When did you become a lawful permanent resident?

In _______________.

About Citizenship

What are the 4 parts of the citizenship interview?

  • Civics:
    • History, Government, People, Places
    • 100 Questions
    • 6 correct questions / 10
  • N-400 Personal Questions
    • Questions from your application for citizenship
    • The officer will check your information
    • Test of English:
      • Can you use English to communicate?
      • Do you understand the questions and your answers?
  • Reading:
    • 1 short question / 3 opportunities
    • Short, easy words
    • Can the officer understand you?
  • Writing
    • 1 short sentence / 3 opportunities
    • Write it on the computer tablet
    • Spelling and small mistakes are ok
    • Can the officer understand you?


  • What part is easy for you?
  • What English skills do you need in each part?
  • How can you practice?
  • What part do you need help with?

US Civics Week 1: Capitals and Leaders

Reading about Civics

Where is this? How do you know?

The federal government meets in Washington, D.C. Congress meets here.

It is the capital of the United States. The president lives here. The supreme court is here, too.

But, it does not have a state. So, it does not have any senators or representatives.

What is the capital of the United States? –> Washington, D.C.

This is the Oregon capital building.

The largest city in Oregon is Portland, but it is not the capital.

The capital of Oregon is Salem.

For our friends in Washington state, the capital of Washington is Olympia.

What is the capital of your state? –> Salem

Official portrait of Vice President Joe Biden in his West Wing Office at the White House, Jan. 10, 2013. (Official White House Photo by David Lienemann).

The leader of the federal government is the president. We elect a president every four years.

When we have a new president, they start to work in January. Joe Biden became president on January 20th, 2021.

What is the name of the President of the United States now? –> Joe Biden / Biden

The two major political parties are Democratic and Republican.

What is the political party of the President now? –> Democratic / Democrat

The Vice President works with the President.

If the President can no longer serve, the Vice President becomes president.

Now, the Vice President is Kamala Harris. She is from California.

What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now? –> Kamala Harris


94. What is the capital of the United States?*
44. What is the capital of your state?*
28. What is the name of the President of the United States now?*
46. What is the political party of the President now?
29. What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now?

Writing Practice