Practice with Eric

The House of Representatives

The House 🏠

The United States government has three branches, or parts. Congress is the part that makes laws.

Congress makes laws for all of the United States. They can write laws about many things, like health care, unemployment benefits, transportation, the military, taxes, and more.

Citizens in every state choose members of congress. We vote for them, and they represent us in Washington DC. If you are not happy with something, you can call your representative and tell them. This is all part of democracy.

Who makes federal laws? –> Congress

Congress has two parts. The House of Representatives has many members. The Senate has fewer members. They have to work together to make new laws, but it is not easy.

What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress?* –> The House and the Senate

The House of Representatives is kind of a wild place. We elect US Representatives every 2 years. That means every 2 years, the House can change a lot.

We elect a U.S. Representative for how many years? –> 2

By AveryTheComrade – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Every state sends Representatives to Washington DC, but some states send more. For example, Oregon has 6 Representatives. Washington has 10 Representatives. California has 52 Representatives.

Why? Washington has more people than Oregon. And California has the most people in the United States. Some states have more Representatives than other states because they have more people.

Before 2022, Oregon only had 5 representatives. In 2022, Oregon got a 6th representative. Why? Because the state population grew in 2020.

Why do some states have more Representatives than other states? –> because they have more people / because of the state’s population

The House of Representatives has 435 voting members. How can we remember that?

The House of Representatives has how many voting members? –> 435

Source: United States Congress –

Who is the leader of a class?

Who is the leader of a plane?

Who is the leader of a business?

In the House of Representatives, the leader is called “Speaker of the House.” They choose who can speak, and they lead the meeting.

Right now (October 2023), the Speaker of the House is Mike Johnson.

What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now? –> Mike Johnson


  1. Who makes federal laws?
  2. What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress?*
  3. We elect a U.S. Representative for how many years?
  4. Why do some states have more Representatives than other states?
  5. The House of Representatives has how many voting members?
  6. What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now?

N-400 Part 12: 11-14B

Review: Part 12, Questions 6-10

  1. Do you owe any overdue Federal, state, or local taxes?
  2. Have you EVER not filed a Federal, state, or local tax return since you became a lawful permanent resident?
  3. Have you called yourself a “non-U.S. resident” on a Federal, state, or local tax return since you became a lawful permanent resident?
  4. Have you EVER been a member of any organization?
  5. Have you EVER been a member of, or in any way associated with The Communist Party?
  6. Have you EVER been a member of, or in any way associated with any other totalitarian party?
  7. Have you EVER been a member of, or in any way associated with a terrorist organization?

Review these vocabulary:

N-400 Questions 11-14B

  1. Have you ever advocated (either directly or indirectly) the overthrow of any government by force or violence?
  2. Have you ever persecuted (either directly or indirectly) any person because of race, religion, national origin, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion?
  3. Between March 23, 1933 and May 8, 1945, did you work for or associate in any way (either directly or indirectly) with The Nazi government of Germany?
  4. Were you ever involved in any way with badly hurting, or trying to hurt, a person on purpose?
  5. Were you ever involved in any way with torture?

Questions and Answers

Painting of the Battle of Guilford Court House (March 15, 1781) from Soldiers of the American Revolution by H. Charles McBarron.

Have you ever advocated (either directly or indirectly) the overthrow of any government by force or violence?

  • Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never
  • ¿Alguna vez ha defendido (ya sea directa o indirectamente) el derrocamiento de algún gobierno por la fuerza o la violencia?
  • هل سبق لك أن دافعت (إما بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر) الإطاحة بأي حكومة بالقوة أو العنف؟
  • မည်သည့်အစိုးရမှမည်သည့်အစိုးရမှမည်သည့်အစိုးရမှမည်သည့်အစိုးရကိုဖြုတ်ချခြင်း (တိုက်ရိုက်ဖြစ်စေ, သွယ်ဝိုက်။ ဖြစ်စေ,
  • 您是否曾倡导(直接或间接地)通过武力或暴力推翻任何政府?
  • Avez-vous déjà préconisé (directement ou indirectement) le renversement de tout gouvernement par la force ou la violence?
  • Pernahkah anda menganjurkan (sama ada secara langsung atau tidak langsung) menggulingkan mana-mana kerajaan dengan kekerasan atau keganasan?
  • آیا تا به حال از (به طور مستقیم یا غیر مستقیم) از سرنگونی هر دولت توسط نیروی یا خشونت حمایت کرده اید؟
  • ایا کله مو په زور یا غیر مستقیم یا غیر مستقیم ډول لارښوونه کړې؟
  • Вы когда-либо выступали (прямо или косвенно) за свержение какого-либо правительства силой или насилием?
  • Weligaa ma ku dooday (si toos ah ama si aan toos ahayn) ee afgembidda dowlad kasta oo xoog ah ama rabshad?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ ủng hộ (trực tiếp hoặc gián tiếp) sự lật đổ của bất kỳ chính phủ nào bằng vũ lực hay bạo lực?
Image by Hebi B. from Pixabay

Have you ever persecuted (either directly or indirectly) any person because of race, religion, national origin, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion?

  • Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never
  • ¿Alguna vez ha perseguido (ya sea directa o indirectamente) a cualquier persona debido a la raza, la religión, el origen nacional, la membresía en un grupo social particular o una opinión política?
  • هل سبق لك أن أمراض (إما بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر) أي شخص بسبب العرق أو الدين أو الأصل القومي والعضوية في مجموعة اجتماعية معينة أو رأي سياسي؟
  • လူမျိုး, ဘာသာတရား, အမျိုးသားဇာစ်မြစ်, အမျိုးသားရေးအဖွဲ့ (သို့) နိုင်ငံရေးအမြင်တွင်နိုင်ငံရေးအမြင်ရှိသူမည်သည့်အနေဖြင့်မည်သူကိုမဆိုနှိပ်စက်ညှဉ်းပန်းခဲ့ဖူးပါသလား။
  • 您是否曾经迫害(直接或间接地)任何人因种族,宗教,国家来源,特定社会群体的成员或政治意见?
  • Avez-vous déjà persécuté (directement ou indirectement) toute personne à cause de la race, de la religion, de l’origine nationale, de l’adhésion à un groupe social particulier ou d’opinion politique?
  • Pernahkah anda dianiaya (sama ada secara langsung atau tidak langsung) mana-mana orang kerana bangsa, agama, asal negara, keanggotaan dalam kumpulan sosial tertentu, atau pendapat politik?
  • آیا تا به حال به دلیل نژاد، مذهب، منشاء ملی، عضویت در یک گروه اجتماعی خاص یا عقاید سیاسی، هر فردی مورد آزار و اذیت قرار گرفته اید؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم په مستقیم یا غیر مستقیم یا غیر مستقیم ډول) غوښتنه کړې ځکه چې کوم شخص چې د مسب، مذهب، ملي اصل، یا سیاسي نظر کې غړیتوب لري؟
  • Вы когда-либо преследовали (прямо или косвенно) любому человеку из-за расы, религии, национального происхождения, членства в определенной социальной группе или политическом мнении?
  • Weligaa ma silcisay (si toos ah ama si aan toos ahayn) qof kasta oo jinsi ah, diin, asal ahaan qaran, xubin ka ahaanshaha koox bulsho gaar ah, ama ra’yi siyaasadeed?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ bị bức hại (trực tiếp hoặc gián tiếp) bất kỳ người nào vì chủng tộc, tôn giáo, nguồn gốc quốc gia, thành viên trong một nhóm xã hội cụ thể, hoặc quan điểm chính trị?
Records of the U.S. Office of War Information, 1926 – 1951; Series: Photographs of Allied and Axis Personalities and Activities, 1942 – 1945 –

Between March 23, 1933 and May 8, 1945, did you work for or associate in any way (either directly or indirectly) with The Nazi government of Germany?

  • Yes, I did / No, I didn’t / No, never
  • Entre el 23 de marzo de 1933 y el 8 de mayo de 1945, ¿trabajó o se asoció de alguna manera (ya sea directa o indirectamente) con el gobierno nazi de Alemania?
  • بين 23 مارس 1933 وما يوم 8، 1945، هل عملت أو ربط بأي شكل من الأشكال (إما بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر) مع الحكومة النازية في ألمانيا؟
  • 1933, မေလ 8 ရက်, 1933, မေလ 8 ရက်အကြား 1945 အကြား, သင်သည်ဂျာမနီအစိုးရ၏နာဇီအစိုးရနှင့်မည်သည့်နည်းဖြင့်ဖြစ်စေ,
  • 1933年3月23日,1945年5月8日,您是否以任何方式(直接或间接)与德国纳粹政府一起工作或联系在一起?
  • Entre le 23 mars 1933 et le 8 mai 1945, avez-vous travaillé ou associé de quelque manière que ce soit (directement ou indirectement) avec le gouvernement nazi de l’Allemagne?
  • Antara 23 Mac 1933 dan 8 Mei 1945, adakah anda bekerja atau bersekutu dengan apa-apa cara (sama ada secara langsung atau tidak langsung) dengan kerajaan Nazi Jerman?
  • بین 23 مارس 1933 و 8 مه 1945، آیا به هیچ وجه (به طور مستقیم یا غیر مستقیم) با دولت نازی آلمان کار کردید؟
  • د ماسپخین 23، 1933 او می په 8، 1945، تاسو د آلمان د حکومت سره په کوم ډول کار کولو یا شریک کولو لپاره کار کاوه؟
  • С 23 марта 1933 года и 8 мая 1945 года вы работали или ассоциируете каким-либо образом (прямо или косвенно) с правительством Германии нацистов?
  • Inta u dhaxaysa Maarso 23, 1933 iyo May 8, 1945, miyaad u shaqaysay ama u shaqaysay si kasta oo (si toos ah ama si aan toos ahayn ama si aan toos ahayn) ee dawladda Naasiyada ee Jarmalka?
  • Từ ngày 23 tháng 3 năm 1933 đến ngày 8 tháng 5 năm 1945, bạn đã làm việc hoặc liên kết theo bất kỳ cách nào (trực tiếp hoặc gián tiếp) với Chính phủ Đức Quốc xã Đức?

Were you ever involved in any way with badly hurting, or trying to hurt, a person on purpose?

  • Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t / No, never
  • ¿Alguna vez estuviste involucrado de alguna manera con lastimar mal, o tratar de lastimarte, una persona a propósito?
  • هل كنت متورطا بأي حال من الأحوال مع إيذاء سيئة، أو تحاول أن تؤذي، شخصا عن قصد؟
  • ဆိုးဆိုးရွားရွားနာကျင်စွာနာကျင်စွာနာကျင်စေခြင်း,
  • 你曾经参与过任何伤害,或试图伤害,故意伤害吗?
  • Avez-vous déjà participé de quelque manière que ce soit avec mal, ou essaie de blesser, une personne exprès?
  • Adakah anda pernah terlibat dengan apa-apa cara dengan teruk, atau cuba menyakiti, seseorang dengan tujuan?
  • آیا شما تا به حال به هیچ وجه با درد و یا تلاش برای صدمه زدن، یک فرد به طور خاص درگیر بود؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم د بد درد سره په هیڅ ډول ښکیل یاست، یا د زیان رسولو هڅه وکړئ، یو شخص په هدف دی؟
  • Вы когда-нибудь были вовлечены в любое время с больным вредом или пытаться больно, человек нарочно?
  • Miyaad weligaa ku lug lahayd si kasta oo aad si xun u dhaawaceyso, ama isku day inaad dhaawacdo, qof ujeedo ah?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ tham gia vào bất kỳ cách nào với tổn thương nặng nề, hoặc cố gắng để làm tổn thương, một người có chủ đích?
Image by Klaus Hausmann from Pixabay

Were you ever involved in any way with torture?

  • Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t / No, never
  • ¿Alguna vez te involucró de alguna manera con la tortura?
  • هل كنت متورطا بأي حال من الأحوال مع التعذيب؟
  • နှိပ်စက်ညှင်းပန်းခြင်းနှင့်မည်သည့်နည်းဖြင့်မျှသင်၌မည်သည့်နည်းဖြင့်မျှပါဝင်ပတ်သက်ခဲ့ပါသလား။
  • 你曾经参与过任何酷刑吗?
  • Avez-vous déjà participé de quelque manière que ce soit avec la torture?
  • Adakah anda pernah terlibat dengan apa-apa cara dengan penyeksaan?
  • آیا شما تا به حال به هیچ وجه با شکنجه دخیل هستید؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم د شکنجې سره په کوم لاره کې دخیل یاست؟
  • Вы когда-нибудь были вовлечены в любой путь с пытками?
  • Miyaad weligaa ku lug lahayd jir-jir-jir?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ tham gia vào bất kỳ cách nào với sự tra tấn?

Practice again:

  1. Have you ever advocated the overthrow of any government by force or violence?
  2. Have you ever persecuted any person because of race, religion, national origin, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion?
  3. Between March 23, 1933 and May 8, 1945, did you work for or associate in any way with The Nazi government of Germany?
  4. Were you ever involved in any way with badly hurting, or trying to hurt, a person on purpose?
  5. Were you ever involved in any way with torture?

N-400 Part 12: Questions 6-10

Review: Questions 1-5

  1. Have you EVER claimed to be a U.S. citizen?
  2. Have you EVER registered to vote in any election in the United States?
  3. Have you EVER voted in any election in the United States?
  4. Do you now have, or did you EVER have, a hereditary title or an order of nobility in any foreign country?
  5. Have you EVER been declared legally incompetent or been confined to a mental institution?

N-400 Vocabulary Practice

N-400 Part 12: Questions 6-10

  1. Do you owe any overdue Federal, state, or local taxes?
  2. Have you EVER not filed a Federal, state, or local tax return since you became a lawful permanent resident?
  3. Have you called yourself a “non-U.S. resident” on a Federal, state, or local tax return since you became a lawful permanent resident?
  4. Have you EVER been a member of any organization?
  5. Have you EVER been a member of, or in any way associated with The Communist Party?
    1. Have you EVER been a member of, or in any way associated with any other totalitarian party?
    2. Have you EVER been a member of, or in any way associated with a terrorist organization?

Do you owe any overdue Federal, state, or local taxes?

Yes, I do / No, I don’t

  • ¿Debe algún impuesto federal, estado o local vencido?
  • هل تدين بأي ضرائب فيدرالية أو ولاية أو محلية؟
  • သငျသညျကြေးဒေသ, ပြည်နယ်သို့မဟုတ်ဒေသန္တရအခွန်အခများကြွေးပါသလား
  • 您是否欠任何过期的联邦,州或地方税?
  • Vous devez des impôts fédéraux, étatiques ou locaux en retard?
  • Adakah anda berhutang cukai persekutuan, negeri, atau tempatan yang tertunggak?
  • آیا شما هر گونه مالیات فدرال، ایالتی و یا محلی را به دست می آورید؟
  • ایا تاسو د کوم فدرالي، دولت، یا محلي مالیاتو پوروړی یاست؟
  • Вы должны просроченные федеральные, государственные или местные налоги?
  • Miyaad leedahay wax la soo dhaafay ee wax la soo dhaafay, gobolka, ama cashuurta maxalliga ah?
  • Bạn có nợ bất kỳ thuế liên bang, tiểu bang hoặc thuế cục bộ không?

Have you EVER not filed a Federal, state, or local tax return since you became a lawful permanent resident? / Have you ever failed to file your taxes?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez no ha presentado una declaración de impuestos federales, estatales o locales desde que se convirtió en un residente permanente legal?
  • هل سبق لك أن قدمت الإقرار الضريبي الفيدرالي أو الولاية أو المحلية منذ أن أصبحت مقيما دائما قانوني؟
  • သင်တရားမ 0 င်သောနေထိုင်သူဖြစ်လာသောအခါဖက်ဒရယ်, ပြည်နယ်သို့မဟုတ်ဒေသန္တရအခွန်ရှင်းတမ်းကိုသင်တင်သွင်းခြင်းမပြုပါသလော။
  • 您是否曾未提交联邦,州或地方纳税申报表以来,您成为合法的永久居民?
  • Avez-vous déjà déposé une déclaration de revenus fédérale, nationale ou locale depuis que vous êtes devenu un résident permanent légal?
  • Pernahkah anda tidak memfailkan pulangan cukai persekutuan, negeri, atau tempatan kerana anda menjadi pemastautin tetap yang sah?
  • آیا تا به حال یک مالیات فدرال، ایالتی یا محلی را ثبت نکرده اید، زیرا شما به یک اقامت دائم قانونی تبدیل شده اید؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم د هغه وخت فدرالي، دولتي، یا محلي مالیه بیرته نه لیږلې ځکه چې تاسو قانوني دایمي اوسیدونکي شو؟
  • Вы когда-нибудь не подали федеральное, государственное или местную налоговую декларацию, поскольку вы стали законным постоянным резидентом?
  • Weligaa ma xallin federaal, dowlad goboleed, ama canshuur celin maxalli ah maadaama aad noqotay degane rasmi ah oo sharci ah?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ không nộp tờ khai thuế liên bang, tiểu bang hoặc địa phương kể từ khi bạn trở thành thường trú nhân hợp pháp?

Have you called yourself a “non-U.S. resident” on a Federal, state, or local tax return since you became a lawful permanent resident?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

  • ¿Te has llamado a ti mismo un “residente de los no usanos” en una declaración de impuestos federales, estatales o locales desde que se convirtió en un residente permanente legal?
  • هل اتصلت بنفسك ب “غير الولايات المتحدة. مقيم” على الإقرار الضريبي الفيدرالي أو الولاية أو المحلية لأنك أصبحت مقيم دائم قانوني؟
  • သင်ကိုယ်တိုင်ဖက်ဒရယ်, ပြည်နယ်သို့မဟုတ်ဒေသန္တရအခွန်ရှင်းတမ်းတွင်သင်ကိုယ်တိုင် “Non-u.s ။ နေထိုင်သူ” ဟုခေါ်ဖူးပါသလား။
  • 您是否在联邦,州或地方纳税申报表上叫做自己的“非U.居民”。
  • Avez-vous appelé vous-même un “non-U.S. Résident” sur une déclaration de revenus fédérale, nationale ou locale depuis que vous êtes devenu un résident permanent légal?
  • Adakah anda memanggil diri anda sebagai “bukan A.S, pemastautin” pada pulangan cukai persekutuan, negeri, atau tempatan kerana anda menjadi pemastautin tetap yang sah?
  • آیا از زمانی که مقیم دائم قانونی شده اید، در اظهارنامه مالیاتی فدرال، ایالتی یا محلی خود را “غیر مقیم ایالات متحده” نامیده اید؟
  • ایا تاسو خپل ځان د “غیر متحده ایالاتو ته زنګ ووهئ. د” اوسیدونکي، په فدرالي، دولتي، یا محلي مالیه بدلونکي چې تاسو قانوني دایمي اوسیدونکي شو؟
  • Вы назвали себя «не-U». Житель “на федеральном, штате или местной налоговой декларации, поскольку вы стали законным постоянным резидентом?
  • Ma u yeedhay naftaada “non-U.s. Degane” ee federaal, dowlad goboleed, ama canshuur celin maxalli ah tan iyo markii aad noqotay degane rasmi ah oo rasmi ah?
  • Bạn đã tự gọi mình là “cư dân” không phải là U.S “trên tờ khai thuế liên bang, tiểu bang hoặc địa phương kể từ khi bạn trở thành một thường trú nhân hợp pháp?

Have you EVER been a member of, involved in, or in any way associated with, any organization, association, fund, foundation, party, club, society, or similar group in the United States or in any other location in the world?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez ha sido miembro de, involucrado, o de alguna manera asociado, cualquier organización, asociación, fondo, fundación, fiesta, club, sociedad o grupo similar en los Estados Unidos o en cualquier otro lugar del mundo?
  • هل سبق لك أن كنت عضوا في أو إشراكها، أو بأي حال من الأحوال، أي منظمة أو جمعية أو صندوق أو مؤسسة أو حزب أو نادي أو مجتمع أو مجموعة مماثلة في الولايات المتحدة أو في أي مكان آخر في العالم؟
  • မည်သည့်အဖွဲ့အစည်း, ရန်ပုံငွေ, ရန်ပုံငွေ, ဖောင်ဒေးရှင်း, ပါတီ, ကလပ်, အသင်း,
  • 您是否曾经是与美国或美国任何其他地区或世界上任何其他地点相关的,任何组织,协会,基金,基金会,党,俱乐部,社会或类似群体的成员。
  • Avez-vous déjà été membre de, impliqué dans ou de quelque manière que ce soit, ou de quelque manière que ce soit, toute organisation, association, fonds, fondation, partie, club, société ou groupe similaire aux États-Unis ou à tout autre endroit dans le monde?
  • Pernahkah anda menjadi ahli, yang terlibat dalam, atau dengan apa-apa cara yang berkaitan dengan, mana-mana organisasi, persatuan, dana, yayasan, parti, kelab, masyarakat, atau kumpulan yang sama di Amerika Syarikat atau di mana-mana lokasi lain di dunia?
  • آیا تا به حال عضو، درگیر، یا به هیچ وجه در ارتباط با هر سازمان، انجمن، انجمن، صندوق، بنیاد، حزب، باشگاه، جامعه یا گروه مشابه در ایالات متحده یا در هر مکان دیگری در جهان بوده اید؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم د یو غړی، یا په هیڅ ډول د سره تړاو لرئ، یا په متحده ایالاتو کې یا په نړۍ کې کوم بل موقعیت یا ورته ګروپ یا ورته ګروپ دی؟
  • Вы когда-либо были членом, вовлечены в вовлечение или любым способом, связанным с любой организацией, ассоциацией, фондом, фондом, основой, партией, клубом, обществом или аналогичной группой в Соединенных Штатах или в любом другом месте в мире?
  • Weligaa xubin ka ahayd, ku lug lahaa, ama si kasta oo la xidhiidha, urur kasta, urur, hay’ad, urur, bulsho, miyuusan yahay koox kale oo ku nool Mareykanka ama meel kale oo adduunka ah?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ là thành viên của, tham gia, hoặc theo bất kỳ cách nào liên quan đến, bất kỳ tổ chức, hiệp hội, quỹ, nền tảng, tiệc tùng, câu lạc bộ, xã hội hoặc nhóm tương tự ở Hoa Kỳ hay ở bất kỳ địa điểm nào khác trên thế giới?

Have you EVER been a member of, or in any way associated with The Communist Party?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez ha sido miembro de, o de alguna manera asociado (directa o indirectamente) con el Partido Comunista?
  • هل سبق لك أن كنت عضوا في أو بأي شكل من الأشكال (إما بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر) بالحزب الشيوعي؟
  • ကွန်မြူနစ်ပါတီနဲ့ (တိုက်ရိုက်ဖြစ်စေ, သွယ်ဝိုက်သို့မဟုတ်သွယ်ဝိုက်) နှင့်ဆက်စပ်သောမည်သည့်နည်းဖြင့်မဆိုအဖွဲ့ဝင်တစ် ဦး ဖြစ်ဖူးပါသလား။
  • 您是否曾与共产党联系过(直接或间接)的成员?
  • Avez-vous déjà été membre de, ou de quelque manière que ce soit (directement ou indirectement) avec le parti communiste?
  • Pernahkah anda menjadi ahli, atau dengan apa-apa cara yang berkaitan (sama ada secara langsung atau tidak langsung) dengan Parti Komunis?
  • آیا تا به حال عضو یا به طور مستقیم یا به طور مستقیم یا غیر مستقیم) با حزب کمونیست بوده اید؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم د کمونیسټ ګوند سره (یا په مستقیم یا غیر مستقیم ډول) غړی یاست؟
  • Вы когда-нибудь были членом или любым способом связанным (прямо или косвенно) с Коммунистической партией?
  • Weligaa ma xubin ka ahayd, ama si kasta oo la xidhiidha (si toos ah ama si aan toos ahayn ama si aan toos ahayn) ee xisbiga shuuciga ah?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ là thành viên của, hoặc theo bất kỳ cách nào liên quan (trực tiếp hoặc gián tiếp) với Đảng Cộng sản?

Have you EVER been a member of, or in any way associated with any other totalitarian party?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez ha sido miembro de, o de alguna manera asociado (directa o indirectamente) con cualquier otra parte totalitaria?
  • هل سبق لك أن كنت عضوا في أو بأي شكل من الأشكال (إما بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر) مع أي حزب شمولي آخر؟
  • အခြားမည်သည့်မဲဆန္ဒရှင်များနှင့်မည်သည့်နည်းဖြင့်မဆို (တိုက်ရိုက်ဖြစ်စေတိုက်ရိုက်ဖြစ်စေသွယ်ဝိုက်။ ဖြစ်စေ) မည်သည့်နည်းဖြင့်မဆိုအဖွဲ့ဝင်တစ် ဦး ဖြစ်ဖူးပါသလား။
  • 您是否曾与任何其他极权党联系过(直接或间接)的成员,或以任何方式
  • Avez-vous déjà été membre de ou de quelque manière que ce soit (directement ou indirectement) avec une autre partie totalitaire?
  • Pernahkah anda menjadi ahli, atau dengan cara yang berkaitan (sama ada secara langsung atau tidak langsung) dengan mana-mana pihak totalitarian yang lain?
  • آیا تا به حال عضو یا به طور مستقیم یا به طور مستقیم یا غیر مستقیم) با هر حزب توتالیتر دیگر؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم یو غړی یاست، یا په مستقیم ډول یا غیر مستقیم یا غیر مستقیم ډول) په هرصورت، په هرصورت
  • Вы когда-нибудь были членом, или любым способом связанным (прямо или косвенно) с любой другой тоталитарной стороной?
  • Weligaa ma xubin ka ahayd, mise si kasta oo la xidhiidha (si toos ah ama si aan toos ahayn ama si aan toos ahayn) oo leh xisbi kale oo kale oo kale?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ là một thành viên của, hoặc theo bất kỳ cách nào liên quan (trực tiếp hoặc gián tiếp) với bất kỳ bên nào khác?

Have you EVER been a member of, or in any way associated with a terrorist organization?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez ha sido miembro de, o de alguna manera asociado (directa o indirectamente) con una organización terrorista?
  • هل سبق لك أن كنت عضوا في أو بأي حال من الأحوال (إما بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر) مع منظمة إرهابية؟
  • အကြမ်းဖက်အဖွဲ့အစည်းတစ်ခုနှင့် (တိုက်ရိုက်ဖြစ်စေ,
  • 您是否曾与恐怖组织联系过(直接或间接)的成员,或以任何方式(直接或间接地)?
  • Avez-vous déjà été membre de, ou de quelque manière qu’elles associées (directement ou indirectement) avec une organisation terroriste?
  • Pernahkah anda menjadi ahli, atau dengan apa cara yang berkaitan (sama ada secara langsung atau tidak langsung) dengan organisasi pengganas?
  • آیا تا به حال عضو یا به طور مستقیم یا به طور مستقیم یا غیر مستقیم) با یک سازمان تروریستی بوده اید؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم د تروریستي سازمان سره (یا په مستقیم یا غیر مستقیم ډول) غړی یاست؟
  • Вы когда-нибудь являетесь членом или любым способом связанным (прямо или косвенно) с террористической организацией?
  • Weligaa ma xubin ka ahayd, ama si kasta oo la xidhiidha (si toos ah ama si aan toos ahayn ama si aan toos ahayn) urur argagixiso?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ là thành viên của, hoặc theo bất kỳ cách nào liên quan (trực tiếp hoặc gián tiếp) với một tổ chức khủng bố?


Do you owe any overdue Federal, state, or local taxes?Have you EVER not filed a Federal, state, or local tax return since you became a lawful permanent resident?Have you called yourself a “non-U.S. resident” on a Federal, state, or local tax return since you became a lawful permanent resident?Have you EVER been a member of any organization?Have you EVER been a member of, or in any way associated with The Communist Party?

  1. Have you EVER been a member of, or in any way associated with any other totalitarian party?
  2. Have you EVER been a member of, or in any way associated with a terrorist organization?

N-400 Part 12: Questions 1-5

These translations are from Google translate. They may be ok, or they may have some problems. Please let me know!

This picture is from the Oregon Voter Registration form. Voting is one right that is only for citizens.

Have you EVER claimed to be a U.S. citizen (in writing or any other way)?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez has afirmado ser un ciudadano de los Estados Unidos por escrito o de alguna otra manera?
  • هل سبق أن ادعت أنه مواطن أمريك في الكتابة أو بأي طريقة أخرى؟
  • သင်ကယူအက်စ်နိုင်ငံသားအဖြစ်အရေးအသားဖြစ်စေ, အခြားမည်သည့်နည်းဖြင့်ပြောခဲ့ဖူးပါသလား။
  • 你有没有声称是以书面或其他方式成为美国公民?
  • Avez-vous déjà prétendu être un citoyen américain par écrit ou une autre manière?
  • Pernahkah anda mendakwa sebagai warganegara A.S. secara bertulis atau cara lain?
  • آیا تا به حال مدعی شده اید که شهروند ایالات متحده هستید یا به روشی دیگر؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم په لیکلو یا کوم بل لاره کې د متحده ایالاتو لپاره د متحده ایالاتو لپاره ادعا کوئ؟
  • Вы когда-либо заявили, чтобы быть гражданином США в письменном виде или в любой другой путь?
  • Weligaa ma sheegtay inaad tahay muwaadin U.S. qoraal ahaan ama wax kale?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ tuyên bố là một công dân Hoa Kỳ bằng văn bản hay bất kỳ cách nào khác?

Have you EVER registered to vote in any Federal, state, or local election in the United States?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez se ha registrado para votar en cualquier elección federal, estatal o local en los Estados Unidos?
  • هل سبق لك أن سجلت للتصويت في أي انتخابات فدرالية أو دولة أو محلية في الولايات المتحدة؟
  • ယူနိုက်တက်စတိတ်တွင်မည်သည့်ဖက်ဒရယ်, ပြည်နယ်, ပြည်နယ်သို့မဟုတ်ဒေသရွေးကောက်ပွဲတွင်မဲပေးရန်သင်မှတ်ပုံတင်ထားဖူးပါသလား။
  • 您是否曾在美国的任何联邦,州或地方选举中投票?
  • Avez-vous déjà enregistré pour voter dans des élections fédérales, étatiques ou locales aux États-Unis?
  • Pernahkah anda mendaftar untuk mengundi di mana-mana persekutuan, negeri, atau pilihan raya tempatan di Amerika Syarikat?
  • آیا تا به حال برای رای دادن در انتخابات فدرال، ایالتی یا محلی در ایالات متحده ثبت نام کرده اید؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم په متحده ایالاتو کې په هر فدرالي، دولتي، یا ځایی ټاکنو کې د رایې ورکولو لپاره نوم لیکنه کړې؟
  • Вы когда-либо зарегистрировались, чтобы проголосовать в любых федеральных, государственных или местных выборах в Соединенных Штатах?
  • Miyaad weligaa iska diiwaan gashatay inaad ka codbixiso federaal kasta oo federaal ah, dowlad goboleed, ama doorashada maxalliga ah ee Mareykanka?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ đăng ký bỏ phiếu trong bất kỳ cuộc bầu cử liên bang, tiểu bang hoặc địa phương tại Hoa Kỳ chưa?

Have you EVER voted in any Federal, state, or local election in the United States?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez ha votado en cualquier elección federal, estatal o local en los Estados Unidos?
  • هل سبق لك أن صوتت في أي انتخابات فدرالية أو دولة أو محلية في الولايات المتحدة؟
  • ယူနိုက်တက်စတိတ်တွင်မည်သည့်ဖက်ဒရယ်, ပြည်နယ်သို့မဟုတ်ဒေသရွေးကောက်ပွဲတွင်မဆိုသင်မဲပေးဖူးပါသလား။
  • 您有没有投票在美国的任何联邦,州或当地选举中?
  • Avez-vous déjà voté dans des élections fédérales, étatiques ou locales aux États-Unis?
  • Pernahkah anda mengundi di mana-mana persekutuan, negeri, atau pilihan raya tempatan di Amerika Syarikat?
  • آیا تا به حال در انتخابات فدرال، ایالتی یا محلی در ایالات متحده رای دادید؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم په متحده ایالاتو کې په هر فکسري، دولتي، یا ځایی ټاکنو کې رایه ورکړې؟
  • Вы когда-нибудь проголосовали в любых федеральных, государственных или местных выборах в Соединенных Штатах?
  • Weligaa ma u codsatay in gobol kasta oo federaal ah, dowlad goboleed, ama doorashada maxalliga ah ee Mareykanka?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ bỏ phiếu trong bất kỳ cuộc bầu cử liên bang, tiểu bang hoặc địa phương tại Hoa Kỳ?
Who are these people?

Do you now have, or did you EVER have, a hereditary title or an order of nobility in any foreign country?

Yes, I do / No, I don’t / No, never

  • ¿Tienes ahora, o alguna vez lo has hecho, un título hereditario o un orden de nobleza en cualquier país extranjero?
  • هل لديك الآن، أو هل سبق لك أن حصلت على لقب وراثي أو أمر من النبلاء في أي بلد أجنبي؟
  • ယခုသင်၌ရှိသလော, သို့မဟုတ်မည်သည့်နိုင်ငံခြားတိုင်းပြည်တွင်မဆိုမျိုးရိုးလိုက်ခေါင်းစဉ်တစ်ခု,
  • 你现在拥有,还是在任何外国都有,遗传般的冠军头衔或贵族的秩序?
  • Avez-vous maintenant ou avez-vous déjà eu un titre héréditaire ou un ordre de noblesse dans un pays étranger?
  • Adakah anda sekarang, atau adakah anda ada, gelaran keturunan atau perintah bangsawan di mana-mana negara asing?
  • آیا شما در حال حاضر، یا آیا تا به حال، یک عنوان ارثی یا دستور نجیب در هر کشور خارجی دارید؟
  • ایا تاسو اوس لرئ، یا تاسو کله هم درلودل، د میراثي سرلیک یا په کوم بهرني هیواد کې د شهرت حکم لرئ؟
  • У вас сейчас есть, или у вас когда-либо имел, наследственный титул или порядок благородства в любой другой стране?
  • Hadda miyaad haysataa, mise weligaa miyaad haysataa, cinwaan dhaxal ah ama amar ku saabsan dadka ajnabiga ah?
  • Bây giờ bạn có, hoặc bạn đã bao giờ có một tiêu đề di truyền hoặc một trật tự quý tộc ở bất kỳ nước ngoài nào?

Have you EVER been declared legally incompetent or been confined to a mental institution?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez ha sido declarado legalmente incompetente o ha sido confinado a una institución mental?
  • هل سبق لك أن أعلنت غير كفؤة قانونيا أو قد اقتصرت على مؤسسة عقلية؟
  • သင်တရားဝင်အရည်အချင်းမပြည့်မှီသောသို့မဟုတ်စိတ်ပိုင်းဆိုင်ရာအဖွဲ့အစည်းတစ်ခုတွင်ချုပ်နှောင်ထားဖူးပါသလား။
  • 您是否曾在合法的无能或被限制在心理学机构?
  • Avez-vous déjà été déclaré légalement incompétent ou vous avez été confiné à une institution mentale?
  • Pernahkah anda diisytiharkan tidak cekap atau terkurung di institusi mental?
  • آیا تا به حال به طور قانونی بی عدالتی اعلام شده یا به یک نهاد ذهنی محدود شده اید؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم په قانوني ډول غیر معمولي اعلان شوي یا په رواني اداره کې محدوذ شوی یاست؟
  • Вы когда-нибудь были объявлены юридически некомпетентными или были ограничены психическими учреждениями?
  • Weligaa ma lagugu dhawaaqay sharci ahaan aan ku kalsoonayn ama lagu xayiran machadka maskaxda?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ được tuyên bố bất tài về mặt pháp lý hoặc bị giới hạn trong một tổ chức tâm thần?

Review and Practice

  1. Have you EVER claimed to be a U.S. citizen?
  2. Have you EVER registered to vote in any election in the United States?
  3. Have you EVER voted in any election in the United States?
  4. Do you now have, or did you EVER have, a hereditary title or an order of nobility in any foreign country?
  5. Have you EVER been declared legally incompetent or been confined to a mental institution?

Read, Listen, and Answer

About N-400 Part 12

Some of the questions on the N-400 application for naturalization (citizenship) are normal questions about your life.

  • Where do you live?
  • Do you have children?
  • What is your current address?

But, the N-400 has some very specific questions about your history. These are questions about taxes, telling the truth, crime, and more. Some questions use very specific legal vocabulary.

These questions are in Part 12 of the N-400, from page 11 to page 16. There are more than 70 questions in Part 12.

The officers usually only ask some of the questions. But, you should be ready to answer any of them.

Einstein became a US citizen, but you don’t need to be a genius!

So, what should you learn?

  1. Listen to the question, and understand it.
  2. If you don’t understand something, ask “Excuse me” or “Can you explain?”
  3. Be ready to give a clear answer to the question.
  4. Learn the meaning of the specific words (vocabulary) in the questions.

For example:

Have you ever voted in a federal, state, or local election in the U.S.?

Answers: Yes, I have / No, I haven’t

The Right to Vote

The United States is a democracy. Citizens choose leaders by voting in elections.

Voting is a special right that is only for United States citizens. When you become a citizen, you should register to vote!

Name one right only for United States citizens. –> Vote in a federal election

Voting is also a responsibility. Only you can make a decision about your vote. No one can do it for you.

And if you don’t send your vote, it will not get done.

If you know someone who is voting and has questions, you can find a lot of help from the County Elections Office. In Multnomah County, you can even get help with translation.

Another responsibility is to serve on a jury. In the US, a jury is a group of citizens who make a decision in court. A jury may make a decision about a crime and if someone is guilty or not.

A jury may also work with a judge in a case about other kinds of law, too. If you are a citizen, it is your responsibility to serve on a jury.

Have you ever gotten mail about serving on a jury? In Oregon, courts use driver license information to choose people.

What is one responsibility that is only for United States citizens?* –> Vote in a federal election / serve on a jury

Citizens have to be 18 to vote for president. In Oregon, citizens can register to vote when they are 16, and they automatically register when they get a drivers license. But, they have to wait to be 18 to really vote.

How old do citizens have to be to vote for President?* –> 18 and older

A ballot drop box in Portland, Oregon

An amendment is a change to the Constitution. When the Constitution was written in 1787, only men with property could vote. Since then, Americans changed the Constitution 4 times:

  • Men of all races can vote
  • Voting must be free (no voting taxes)
  • Women can vote (any citizen can vote)
  • Citizens 18 and older can vote

There are four amendments to the Constitution about who can vote. Describe one of them. –> Citizens 18 and older can vote / Any citizen can vote

When you register to vote, you can choose a political party. It is free to join a political party. It is public information kept by the Oregon secretary of state. It is your right to join any political party, or none.

But, you should join a political party so you can vote in a primary election. A primary election is the election that each political party has to choose their candidate.

So, Democrats can vote in the Democratic primary election. Republicans can vote in the Republican primary election. After the primary, there is a general election. All registered voters can vote in a general election.

What are the two major political parties in the United States?* –> Democratic and Republican


Review of the Constitution and Your Rights + The Right to Vote

Can you answer these questions when someone asks you?

Extra practice: can you write the answers?

  1. What is the “rule of law”?
  2. How many amendments does the Constitution have?
  3. What is an amendment?
  4. What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution?
  5. What is one right or freedom from the First Amendment?*
  6. What is freedom of religion?
  7. What are two rights of everyone living in the United States?
  8. Name one right only for United States citizens.
  9. What is one responsibility that is only for United States citizens?*
  10. How old do citizens have to be to vote for President?*
  11. There are four amendments to the Constitution about who can vote. Describe one of them.
  12. What are the two major political parties in the United States?*

The Constitution and Your Rights

Civics and Reading

The constitution defines the government for all Americans.

We don’t have any kings, queens, or nobility. Everyone must follow the law.

The speed limit is one law…

What about teachers? They must follow the law.

What about governors? They must follow the law.

What about presidents? They must follow the law.

What is the “rule of law”? –> Everyone must follow the law.

The constitution was written in 1787. It had many problems.

For example, in 1787, women could not vote.

In 1787, white men could own slaves.

In 1787, Native Americans had no rights in the U.S.

After 1787, Americans made many changes to the constitution. A change to the constitution is also called an amendment.

For example, Americans made 4 amendments to change voting rights for all citizens of any race, men and women, 18 and older.

What is an amendment? –> A change (to the constitution)

Congress and the states can change the constitution, but it is not easy. Also, it takes a long time to pass an amendment.

Congress and the states have only changed the Constitution 27 times.

How many fingers do you have? And toes? And eyes? And ears? And nostrils (holes in your nose)?And mouths?

How many amendments does the Constitution have? –> 27

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

In 1789, Congress made 10 amendments to the Constitution. This list of amendments was called a bill.

These first 10 amendments give us really important rights. A “right” means something that a person can do, and that the government cannot stop or limit them from.

So, we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution the Bill of Rights.

What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution? –> The Bill of Rights

The first amendment gives all Americans the right to free speech. It also gives us the right to come together, to protest, to report news freely, and to practice religion.

What is one right or freedom from the First Amendment?* –> Speech

Stained Glass, Spiral, Circle, Pattern, Glass, Religion

Many colonists came from Europe to America for religious freedom. They wanted to practice their religion in a free way.

Now, we also have the freedom to not practice a religion. Even today, many people come to the United States for religious freedom.

What is freedom of religion? –> You can practice any religion, or not practice a religion.

These rights in the constitution are for all people in the United States. That means these are rights for citizens, permanent residents, undocumented people, and visitors.

For example, everyone living in the United States has the freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

What are two rights of everyone living in the United States? –> freedom of speech, freedom of religion


  1. What is the “rule of law”?
  2. How many amendments does the Constitution have?
  3. What is an amendment?
  4. What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution?
  5. What is one right or freedom from the First Amendment?*
  6. What is freedom of religion?
  7. What are two rights of everyone living in the United States?

Personal Questions: Have you ever…? Examples

Have you ever…? = Any time in the past in your life

✅Yes, I have / Yes

❌No, I haven’t / No / No, never

A Questions

  1. Have you ever lived in Portland?
  2. Have you ever borrowed something from the library?
  3. Have you ever eaten fast food?
  4. Have you ever traveled to North Korea?
  5. Have you ever spoken Spanish?
  6. Have you ever gone swimming in the Pacific Ocean?
  7. Have you ever changed a diaper?
  8. Have you ever created a website?
  9. Have you ever used Whatsapp?
  10. Have you ever gotten a scam call?

B Questions

  1. Have you ever visited Canada?
  2. Have you ever eaten Vietnamese food?
  3. Have you ever gone shopping for a car?
  4. Have you ever come to Citizenship Class?
  5. Have you ever seen a ghost?
  6. Have you ever gone to an English class (like PCC)?
  7. Have you ever gone to the library in Portland?
  8. Have you ever worked in Portland?
  9. Have you ever won money from the lottery?
  10.  Have you ever written a book?