Week 3 – Personal Information Review

N-400 Questions

  1. What is your full legal name? –> My name is
  2. Where were you born? –> I was born in _______
  3. What is your marital status? Are you single, married, divorced, widowed, or separated?
  4. Do you have any children?
  5. If yes: Where do they live?

Mystery Leaders

Who am I? 😎😎😎

  1. Where were you born?
  2. When were you born?
  3. Are you married?
  4. Do you have children?
  5. What is your phone number?
  6. Where do you work?
  7. Do you belong to any groups or organizations?

N-400 Practice: Antonio Paz

Watch part of Antonio’s interview. What do you think?

Did he do great? Terrible? So-so?

What questions did you hear? Do you hear the most important question?

This is only an example. This is only part of an interview.

Excuse me, can you explain that?

  1. What’s your full legal name?
  2. What is your marital status? Are you married? Single? Divorced? Widowed?
  3. How many times have you been married?
  4. Was your wife born in the US?
  5. Who is your wife’s employer?
  6. Do you have children?
  7. Were they born in the US? / Was she born in the US?
  8. Where do your children live? / Where does your child live?
  9. Have you spent any time outside the United States since you became a permanent resident?