Practice with Eric

Week 1: What is the citizenship test?

What is your name?

My name is __________.

Have you used any other names?

Excuse me?

Have you used any other names?

Some people call me ________________. / No / No, I haven’t

When did you become a lawful permanent resident?

In _______________.

About Citizenship

What are the 4 parts of the citizenship interview?

  • Civics:
    • History, Government, People, Places
    • 100 Questions
    • 6 correct questions / 10
  • N-400 Personal Questions
    • Questions from your application for citizenship
    • The officer will check your information
    • Test of English:
      • Can you use English to communicate?
      • Do you understand the questions and your answers?
  • Reading:
    • 1 short question / 3 opportunities
    • Short, easy words
    • Can the officer understand you?
  • Writing
    • 1 short sentence / 3 opportunities
    • Write it on the computer tablet
    • Spelling and small mistakes are ok
    • Can the officer understand you?


  • What part is easy for you?
  • What English skills do you need in each part?
  • How can you practice?
  • What part do you need help with?

US Civics Week 1: Capitals and Leaders

Reading about Civics

Where is this? How do you know?

The federal government meets in Washington, D.C. Congress meets here.

It is the capital of the United States. The president lives here. The supreme court is here, too.

But, it does not have a state. So, it does not have any senators or representatives.

What is the capital of the United States? –> Washington, D.C.

This is the Oregon capital building.

The largest city in Oregon is Portland, but it is not the capital.

The capital of Oregon is Salem.

For our friends in Washington state, the capital of Washington is Olympia.

What is the capital of your state? –> Salem

Official portrait of Vice President Joe Biden in his West Wing Office at the White House, Jan. 10, 2013. (Official White House Photo by David Lienemann).

The leader of the federal government is the president. We elect a president every four years.

When we have a new president, they start to work in January. Joe Biden became president on January 20th, 2021.

What is the name of the President of the United States now? –> Joe Biden / Biden

The two major political parties are Democratic and Republican.

What is the political party of the President now? –> Democratic / Democrat

The Vice President works with the President.

If the President can no longer serve, the Vice President becomes president.

Now, the Vice President is Kamala Harris. She is from California.

What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now? –> Kamala Harris


94. What is the capital of the United States?*
44. What is the capital of your state?*
28. What is the name of the President of the United States now?*
46. What is the political party of the President now?
29. What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now?

Writing Practice

Civics: Life in the United States

Civics and Reading

Americans have many special days. Some days are for religion, like Christmas. Some days are to celebrate, like New Years Day.

The Unites States Government has 8 national holidays. On those days, government offices and schools are closed.

Name two national U.S. holidays. –> Christmas Day and New Year’s Day

We also have special days for responsibilities. One important responsibility is to pay taxes.

People in the US usually have to send in federal income tax forms on April 15.

When is the last day you can send in federal income tax forms?* –> April 15th

Portland Farmer’s Market picture by Flickr user Vis-A-Vi

The economic system of the United States is a market economy. This is another name for a capitalist economy.

This means that people and businesses are free to buy and sell things.

What is the economic system in the United States?* –> Market Economy / Capitalist Economy

When there is a war or emergency, the government can ask young men to join the military. This is called the draft or Selective Service.

All men must register for the Selective Service from age 18 to 26. Even immigrants and refugees need to register.

Registration is free and quick. And, from age 18 to 26 is only 8 years. After that, most people don’t worry about this registration.

When must all men register for the Selective Service? –> 18 to 26

By Flickr User Marc Nozell

In many schools, every class begins with the Pledge of Allegiance. This is a promise of loyalty to the United States. Loyalty means love, and never leaving someone.

Here’s an example of the Pledge of Allegiance. Don’t worry! You don’t need to memorize the words.

When we say the Pledge of Allegiance, we show loyalty to the flag. This means we also show loyalty to the United States.

What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance?

These people are taking the Oath of Allegiance. This is the promise to become a citizen.

One thing you promise is to follow the laws of the United States. The oath is long and difficult, but you don’t have to remember it 100%.

What is one promise you make when you become a United States citizen?


  1. Name two national U.S. holidays.
  2. When is the last day you can send in federal income tax forms?*
  3. What is the economic system in the United States?*
  4. When must all men register for the Selective Service?
  5. What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance?
  6. What is one promise you make when you become a United States citizen?

Civics History: 1950s – 2001

Civics + Reading

Capitalist and Communist Countries, 1980

After World War 2, the United States government was worried about the Soviet Union and Communism. This time is called “The Cold War.”

Communism means that the government owns almost everything. People cannot own property.

Communism is a different form of government than the US. The US has democracy and a market economy.

During the Cold War, the communist countries and capitalist countries fought to control the world.

The United States and Soviet Union did not fight directly, so we call it a “cold” war. The Soviet Union broke up in 1991.

During the Cold War, what was the main concern of the United States? –> Communism

From The Civil War to the 1950s, most black people in America did not have equal rights.

White people used the law, education, and fear against black people and other racial groups. This was a terrible time of racial discrimination.

This video shows examples of Civil Rights Movement protests to end racial discrimination.

The Civil Rights Movement was a large group of protestors who tried to end racial discrimination. They protested, spoke, and got arrested.

What movement tried to end racial discrimination? –> The Civil Rights Movement

Martin Luther King, Jr.

One of the Civil Rights Movement leaders was Martin Luther King Jr. He fought for civil rights.

He fought for civil rights by speaking. He fought for civil rights by writing. He fought for civil rights by protesting. He fought for civil rights by using civil disobedience. He was arrested almost 30 times.

What did Martin Luther King, Jr. do?* –> Fought for civil rights

On April 4, 1968, King was killed by a white man. King was only 39 years old, but Americans will always remember him as a hero. We remember Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday in January.

Do you remember where you were on September 11, 2001? That morning, terrorists attacked the United States.

They flew planes into the World Trade Center towers in New York. They flew a plane into the Pentagon, the main building for the military.

They tried to fly one more plane into the White House, but the people on the plane stopped the terrorists.

What major event happened on September 11, 2001, in the United States? –> Terrorists attacked the United States


  1. Name one war fought by the United States in the 1900s.*
  2. Who was President during World War I?
  3. Who was President during the Great Depression and World War II?
  4. Who did the United States fight in World War II?
  5. Before he was President, Eisenhower was a general. What war was he in?
  6. During the Cold War, what was the main concern of the United States?
  7. What movement tried to end racial discrimination?
  8. What did Martin Luther King, Jr. do?*
  9. What major event happened on September 11, 2001, in the United States?

US Civics: World War 1 and 2

Unfortunately, the United States fought many wars from 1900-1999.

The United States fought in World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the first Gulf War.

World War 1 fighting in France

World War I was in Europe, from 1914-1918. The United States joined world War I in 1917.

Name one war fought by the United States in the 1900s.* –> World War One

Woodrow Wilson

Woodrow Wilson was president during World War One.

Who was President during World War I? –> Woodrow Wilson

Start the video at 4:29 to get some practice

On October 29th, 1929 the Great Depression started in the United States.

The stock market crashed and many banks lost all their money. Millions of Americans lost all their money and their jobs.

In this difficult time, Franklin Roosevelt ran for president. He helped start Social Security, food stamps, and many protections for all Americans.

Roosevelt was very popular because he helped Americans during the Great Depression. He was elected president four times!

He was still president on December 7, 1941, when the Navy of Japan attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

Photograph taken from a Japanese plane during the torpedo attack on ships moored on both sides of Ford Island. U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.

After that, the United States joined the fight of World War II. Roosevelt was also president during World War II.

Who was President during the Great Depression and World War II? –> (Franklin) Roosevelt

During World War II, the United States fought Japan, Germany, and Italy.

Who did the United States fight in World War II? –> Japan, Germany, and Italy

Harry Truman became president of the United States after Roosevelt

Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945, before the end of the war. Because Roosevelt could no longer serve, the vice president became the president.

One important general in World War II was Dwight D. Eisenhower. After the war, he ran for president. He was president from 1953 to 1961.

Before he was President, Eisenhower was a general. What war was he in?

  1. Name one war fought by the United States in the 1900s.*
  2. Who was President during World War I?
  3. Who was President during the Great Depression and World War II?
  4. Who did the United States fight in World War II?
  5. Before he was President, Eisenhower was a general. What war was he in?

N-400 Part 12: Questions 45-50 (Yes Questions) – Fall 2020 Week 10

Review: Questions 33-44

  1. Have you EVER been removed, excluded, or deported from the United States?
  2. Have you EVER been ordered removed, excluded, or deported from the United States?
  3. Have you EVER been placed in removal, exclusion, rescission, or deportation proceedings?
  4. Are removal, exclusion, rescission, or deportation proceedings (including administratively closed proceedings) currently pending against you?
  5. Have you EVER served in the U.S. armed forces?
  6. Are you a male who lived in the United States at any time between your 18th and 26th birthdays?

Vocabulary Review (Questions 33-44)

Yes Questions

What are these people doing? Why are they doing it?

Do you support the Constitution and form of Government of the United States?

Yes, I do.

¿Apoya la Constitución y la forma de Gobierno de los Estados Unidos?
هل تؤيد الدستور وشكل حكومة الولايات المتحدة؟
هنوز قانون اساسی و شکل دولت ایالات متحده حمایت میکنید؟
Поддерживаете ли вы конституцию и форму правительства Соединенных Штатов?
Ma waxaad u taageeraan Dastuurka iyo qaab of Dowladda Mareykanka?
Bạn có hỗ trợ Hiến pháp và hình thức của Chính phủ Hoa Kỳ?
Adakah anda menyokong Perlembagaan dan bentuk Kerajaan Amerika Syarikat?

Do you understand the full Oath of Allegiance to the United States?

Yes, I do.

¿Usted entiende el juramento llena de lealtad a los Estados Unidos?
هل تفهم القسم الكامل الولاء للولايات المتحدة؟
သငျသညျ United States ကိုသစ္စာ၏အပြည့်အဝကျိန်ဆိုခြင်းကိုပြုနားလည်သလား?
هنوز سوگند پر از وفاداری به ایالات متحده می فهمی؟
Понимаете ли вы полный Клятву Верности в Соединенных Штатах?
Ma garanaysaa Dhaarta buuxda u Daacad Noqoshada Mareykanka?
Bạn có hiểu lời thề đầy Allegiance sang Hoa Kỳ?
Adakah anda faham Sumpah penuh Allegiance ke Amerika Syarikat?

“I am willing” means “I agree”

Are you willing to take the full Oath of Allegiance to the United States?

Yes, I am. / Yes, but I do not want to make an oath or swear to God.
¿Está dispuesto a tomar el juramento a la bandera completa a los Estados Unidos?
هل أنت على استعداد لاتخاذ القسم الكامل الولاء للولايات المتحدة؟
သငျသညျ United States ကိုသစ္စာ၏အပြည့်အဝကျိန်ဆိုခြင်းကိုပြုနှင့်ယူလိုပါသလား?
آیا شما مایل به سوگند پر از وفاداری به ایالات متحده؟
Вы готовы взять на себя полную присягу на верность Соединенных Штатов?
Ma doonaysaa in aad dhaarinayaa buuxda u Daacad Noqoshada Mareykanka?
Bạn có sẵn sàng chấp nhận lời thề đầy Allegiance sang Hoa Kỳ?
Adakah anda bersedia untuk mengambil Sumpah penuh Allegiance ke Amerika Syarikat?

If the law requires it, are you willing to bear arms on behalf of the United States?

Yes, I am. / No, because of my religion. Here is information about my religion.

Si la ley lo requiere, ¿está dispuesto a tomar las armas en nombre de los Estados Unidos?
وإذا كان القانون يتطلب ذلك، هل أنت على استعداد لحمل السلاح نيابة عن الولايات المتحدة؟
ပညတ္တိကျမ်းကလိုအပ်တယ်ဆိုလျှင်, သင်အမေရိကန်ပြည်ထောင်စုကိုယ်စားလက်နက်ကိုထမ်းဖို့လိုလိုလားလားရှိသနည်း
اگر قانون آن نیاز، آیا شما مایل به حمل سلاح به نمایندگی از ایالات متحده؟
Если закон требует, вы готовы носить оружие от имени Соединенных Штатов?
Haddii sharciga waxay u baahan tahay, aad diyaar u yihiin in ay hubka qaataan oo wakiil ka Maraykanka?
Nếu luật pháp yêu cầu nó, bạn có sẵn sàng để mang vũ khí trên danh nghĩa của Hoa Kỳ?
Jika undang-undang memerlukan ia, adakah anda bersedia untuk memikul senjata bagi pihak Amerika Syarikat?

If the law requires it, are you willing to perform noncombatant services in the U.S. armed forces?

Yes, I am. / No, because of my religion. Here is information about my religion.

Si la ley lo requiere, ¿está dispuesto a realizar servicios no combatientes en las fuerzas armadas de Estados Unidos?
وإذا كان القانون يتطلب ذلك، هل أنت على استعداد لأداء خدمات غير المقاتلين في القوات المسلحة الأمريكية؟
ပညတ္တိကျမ်းကလိုအပ်တယ်ဆိုလျှင်, သင်အမေရိကန်ပြည်ထောင်စုလက်နက်ကိုင်တပ်ဖွဲ့များအတွက် noncombatant န်ဆောင်မှုများလုပ်ဆောင်ရန်စိတ်အားထက်သန်နေကြသနည်း
اگر قانون آن نیاز، آیا شما مایل به انجام خدمات غیر مبارز در نیروهای مسلح ایالات متحده؟
Если закон требует, вы готовы выполнить нестроевую службу в вооруженных силах США?
Haddii sharciga waxay u baahan tahay, aad diyaar u yihiin si ay u qabtaan adeegyada noncombatant in ciidamada qalabka sida ee Maraykanka?
Nếu luật pháp yêu cầu nó, bạn có sẵn sàng để thực hiện các dịch vụ noncombatant trong lực lượng vũ trang của Hoa Kỳ?
Jika undang-undang memerlukan ia, adakah anda bersedia untuk melaksanakan perkhidmatan noncombatant di Amerika Syarikat angkatan tentera?

If the law requires it, are you willing to perform work of national importance under civilian direction?

Yes, I am.

Si la ley lo requiere, ¿está dispuesto a realizar un trabajo de importancia nacional bajo dirección civil?
وإذا كان القانون يتطلب ذلك، هل أنت على استعداد للقيام بأعمال ذات أهمية وطنية في إطار التوجيه المدنيين؟
ပညတ္တိကျမ်းကလိုအပ်တယ်ဆိုရင်, သင်အရပ်သားဦးတည်ချက်အောက်မှာအမျိုးသားရေးအရေးပါမှု၏အလုပ်ဖျော်ဖြေဖို့စိတ်အားထက်သန်နေကြသနည်း
اگر قانون آن نیاز، آیا شما مایل به انجام کار از اهمیت ملی تحت رهبری غیر نظامی؟
Если закон требует, вы готовы выполнять работу государственной важности под гражданским руководством?
Haddii sharciga waxay u baahan tahay, aad diyaar u yihiin si ay u qabtaan shaqada muhiimka u ah qaranka hoos rayidka ah?
Nếu luật pháp yêu cầu nó, bạn có sẵn sàng để thực hiện công trình quan trọng quốc gia theo hướng dân sự?
Jika undang-undang memerlukan ia, adakah anda bersedia untuk melaksanakan kerja-kerja penting negara di bawah arahan orang awam?



  1. Do you support the Constitution and form of Government of the United States?
  2. Do you understand the full Oath of Allegiance to the United States?
  3. Are you willing to take the full Oath of Allegiance to the United States?
  4. If the law requires it, are you willing to bear arms on behalf of the United States?
  5. If the law requires it, are you willing to perform noncombatant services in the U.S. armed forces?
  6. If the law requires it, are you willing to perform work of national importance under civilian direction?

N400 Part 12: Questions 33-44

Vocabulary review: Question 30F-32

New questions: N400 Part 12, 33-44

Have you EVER been removed, excluded, or deported from the United States?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

Alguna vez ha sido eliminado, excluido, o deportado de los Estados Unidos?
هل سبق لك إزالتها، استبعاد، أو ترحيلهم من الولايات المتحدة؟
သငျသညျအစဉျအမွဲ, ဖယ်ရှားဖယ်ထုတ်လိုက်, ဒါမှမဟုတ်ယူနိုက်တက်စတိတ်ကနေပြည်နှင်ဒဏ်ပေးခဲ့ဖူးသလော
آیا تا به حال برداشته شده است، حذف می شوند، و یا تبعید شده از ایالات متحده؟
Вы когда-нибудь были удалены, исключены или депортированы из США?
Weligaa ma laga saaray, laga saaray, ama ka Maraykanka tarxiilay?
Bạn đã bao giờ bị loại bỏ, loại trừ, hoặc trục xuất khỏi Hoa Kỳ?
Adakah anda pernah dikeluarkan, dikecualikan, atau dihantar pulang dari Amerika Syarikat?

Have you EVER been ordered removed, excluded, or deported from the United States?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

¿Alguna vez ha sido una orden de expulsión, excluido, o deportado de los Estados Unidos?
هل سبق لك أن أمر إزالتها، استبعاد، أو ترحيلهم من الولايات المتحدة؟
သငျသညျအစဉျအမွဲ, ဖယ်ရှားဖယ်ထုတ်လိုက်, ဒါမှမဟုတ်ယူနိုက်တက်စတိတ်ကနေပြည်နှင်ဒဏ်အမိန့်ထုတ်ခဲ့ပြီးပြီလော
آیا تا به حال شده است دستور حذف، حذف شدند، و یا تبعید شده از ایالات متحده؟
Вы когда-нибудь были заказаны удалены, исключены или депортированы из США?
Weligaa ma lagu amray saaray, laga saaray, ama ka Maraykanka tarxiilay?
Bạn đã bao giờ được lệnh gỡ bỏ, loại trừ, hoặc trục xuất khỏi Hoa Kỳ?
Adakah anda pernah diarah dikeluarkan, dikecualikan, atau dihantar pulang dari Amerika Syarikat?

Have you EVER been placed in removal, exclusion, rescission, or deportation proceedings?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

Alguna vez ha sido colocado en procedimientos de expulsión, exclusión, rescisión o deportación?
هل سبق لك أن وضعت في إجراءات الترحيل والإقصاء والإلغاء، أو الترحيل؟
သငျသညျအစဉျအမွဲဖယ်ရှားရေး, ဖယ်, rescission, ဒါမှမဟုတ်ပြည်နှင်ဒဏ်တရားစွဲဆိုမှုအတွက်ထားရှိခဲ့ဖူးသလော
آیا تا به حال شده است در مجموعه مقالات حذف، حذف، فسخ، یا اخراج قرار می گیرد؟
Вы когда-нибудь были помещены в удалении, исключение, расторжение или депортации?
Weligaa ma lagu meeleeyo saarista, ka saarida, rescission, ama masaafurinta?
Bạn đã bao giờ được đặt trong các vụ kiện loại bỏ, loại trừ, huỷ bỏ, hoặc bị trục xuất?
Adakah anda pernah diletakkan di dalam prosiding penyingkiran, pengecualian, pembatalan, atau dihantar pulang?

Are removal, exclusion, rescission, or deportation proceedings (including administratively closed proceedings) currently pending against you?

Yes, they are / No, they aren’t / No

Se remoción, exclusión, rescisión, o un proceso de deportación actualmente pendientes contra usted?
وإزالة أو استثناء أو إلغاء، أو إجراءات الترحيل معلقة حاليا ضدك؟
လက်ရှိသင်တို့တဘက်၌ဆိုင်းငံ့ဖယ်ရှားခြင်း, ဖယ်, rescission, ဒါမှမဟုတ်ပြည်နှင်ဒဏ်တရားစွဲဆိုမှုဖြစ်ပါသလား
آیا حذف، حذف، فسخ، یا رسیدگی اخراج در حال حاضر در مقابل شما انتظار؟
Есть удаление, исключение, Расторжение или процедура депортации в настоящее время в ожидании против вас?
Ma ka saarida, ka saarida, rescission, ama xukun musaafuriska hadda ilaa aad ka gees ah?
Được loại bỏ, loại trừ, huỷ bỏ, hoặc thủ tục tố tụng trục xuất hiện cấp phát chống lại bạn?
Adakah pengeluaran, pengecualian, pembatalan, atau prosiding deportasi belum selesai terhadap anda?

Have you EVER served in the U.S. armed forces?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

¿Alguna vez ha servido en las fuerzas armadas EE.UU.?
هل خدمت في القوات المسلحة الامريكية؟
آیا تا به حال در نیروهای مسلح خدمت کرده ایالات متحده؟
Вы когда-нибудь служили в вооруженных силах США?
Weligaa ma u adeegay in ciidamada hubaysan ee Mareykanka?
Bạn đã bao giờ phục vụ trong các lực lượng vũ trang của Hoa Kỳ?
Adakah anda pernah berkhidmat dalam angkatan bersenjata AS?

Are you a male who lived in the United States at any time between your 18th and 26th birthdays? (This does not include living in the United States as a lawful nonimmigrant.)

Yes, I am / No, I’m not

¿Eres un hombre que vivió en los Estados Unidos en cualquier momento entre el 18 y 26 de los cumpleaños? (Esto no incluye los que viven en los Estados Unidos como no inmigrante legal.)
هل أنت رجل الذي عاش في الولايات المتحدة في أي وقت ما بين 18 وأعياد الميلاد 26TH؟ (وهذا لا يشمل الذين يعيشون في الولايات المتحدة كغير مهاجر شرعي).
သင်သည်သင်၏ 18 နှင့် 26 မွေးနေ့အကြားမည်သည့်အချိန်တွင်အမေရိကန်ပြည်ထောင်စု၌နထေိုငျသူတစ်ဦးအထီးဖြစ်ပါသလား (ဒါကအေပျ nonimmigrant အဖြစ်အမေရိကန်ပြည်ထောင်စု၌နထေိုငျမပါဝင်ပါ။ )
你是男性谁住在美国举行的第18和第26的生日之间的任何时间? (这不包括居住在美国的非移民合法的。)
آیا شما یک مرد که در ایالات متحده در هر زمان بین 18 خود را و جشن های تولد 26 زندگی می کردند؟ (این شامل نمی زندگی در ایالات متحده به عنوان یک غیر مهاجرتی قانونی است.)
Вы мужчина, который жил в Соединенных Штатах в любое время между вашим 18 и 26-й день рождения? (Это не относится к жизни в Соединенных Штатах в качестве законного неиммиграционного.)
Ma waxaad tahay lab ah kuwaas oo ku noolaa dalka Mareykanka ah waqti kasta u dhaxeeya 18 iyo 26-dhalashada? (Tani ma waxaa ka mid ah ku nool sida fiisaha ah xalaal oo dalka Mareykanka ah.)
Bạn có một người đàn ông sống tại Hoa Kỳ vào bất kỳ thời gian giữa 18 và sinh nhật lần thứ 26? (Điều này không bao gồm sinh sống tại Hoa Kỳ như là một không định cư hợp pháp.)
Adakah anda seorang lelaki yang tinggal di Amerika Syarikat pada bila-bila masa antara 18 dan hari lahir ke-26? (Ini tidak termasuk yang tinggal di Amerika Syarikat sebagai bukan imigran yang sah.)

If you answered “Yes,” when did you register for the Selective Service?

(answer with the date or year)

Si su respuesta es “Sí”, ¿cuándo se registre en el Servicio Selectivo?
وإذا كانت الإجابة “نعم”، متى التسجيل للحصول على الخدمة الانتقائية؟
သငျသညျဖြေကြားခဲ့လျှင် “ဟုတ်ကဲ့,” သောအခါသင်ရွေးချယ်ဝန်ဆောင်မှုများအတွက်မှတ်ပုံတင်ရန်ခဲ့တာလဲ
اگر پاسخ شما “بله،” زمانی که شما خدمت نظام وظیفه برای ثبت نام چه بود؟
Если вы ответили «Да», когда вы зарегистрироваться для службы?
Haddii aad ku jawaabtay “Haa,” goormaad iska diiwaan gelin Selective Service ah?
Nếu bạn trả lời “Có”, khi nào bạn đăng ký với Sở Tuyển Quân?
Jika anda menjawab “Ya,” sejak bila anda mendaftar untuk Perkhidmatan Selective?

If you answered “Yes,” but you did not register with the Selective Service System and you are: Still under 26 years of age, you must register before you apply for naturalization, and complete the Selective Service information above;

Si su respuesta es “Sí”, pero no se registró con el Sistema de Servicio Selectivo y que son: Todavía menores de 26 años de edad, usted debe registrarse antes de solicitar la naturalización, y completar la información de servicio selectivo anteriormente; O Ahora 26 a 31 años de edad (29 años de edad si se están presentando en la sección INA 319 (a)), pero no se registró en el Servicio Selectivo, debe adjuntar una declaración que explique por qué no se registró, y proporcionar una carta de información de estado del servicio selectivo
وإذا كانت الإجابة “نعم”، ولكنك لم تسجل في نظام الخدمة الانتقائية وأنت: ما زال تحت 26 سنة من العمر، يجب عليك التسجيل قبل أن التقدم بطلب للحصول على الجنسية، واستكمال المعلومات خدمة الانتقائي أعلاه؛ OR الآن 26-31 سنة من العمر (29 عاما إذا كنت الايداع تحت قسم INA 319 (أ))، ولكنك لم تسجل مع خدمة انتقائية، يجب إرفاق بيان يوضح لماذا لم يسجلوا، وتوفير بريد إلكتروني المعلومات من مركز الخدمة الانتقائية
သငျသညျ “Yes” ကိုဖြေကြားပေမယ့်သင်ရွေးချယ်ဝန်ဆောင်မှုစနစ်နှင့်အတူမှတ်ပုံတင်ရန်မပြုခဲ့ခြင်းနှင့်သင်လျှင်: ဆဲသငျသညျသဘာဝလျှောက်ထားမတိုင်မီအသက် 26 နှစ်အောက်, သငျသညျမှတျပုံတငျရမည်ဖြစ်သည်နှင့်အထက်ရွေးချယ်ဝန်ဆောင်မှုသတင်းအချက်အလက်ဖြည့်စွက်; OR အခုဆိုရင်အသက် 26 31 နှစ် (အသက် 29 နှစ်အသငျသညျ INA အက်ဥပဒေပုဒ်မ 319 (က) အရဖြည့်စွက်လျှင်), ဒါပေမယ့်သင်ရွေးချယ်ဝန်ဆောင်မှုနှင့်အတူမှတ်ပုံတင်ရန်ဘူး, သင်မှတ်ပုံတင်ရန်နှင့်မပေးခဲ့ပါဘူးဘာကြောင့်ရှင်းပြကြေညာချက်ပူးတွဲရမယ် အဆိုပါရွေးချယ်ဝန်ဆောင်မှုကနေ status ကိုသတင်းအချက်အလက်စာတစ်စောင်
اگر پاسخ شما “بله”، اما شما با سیستم خدمات انتخابی برای ثبت نام اینجا نیست و شما: هنوز زیر 26 سال سن، شما باید قبل از اینکه برای تابعیت تقاضا و تکمیل اطلاعات انتخابی خدمات بالا ثبت نام کنید؛ OR اکنون 26 به 31 سال سن (29 سال سن اگر شما در حال پر کردن زیر بخش INA 319 (A))، اما شما با سرویس انتخابی ثبت نام نیست، شما باید یک بیانیه توضیح داد که چرا شما ثبت نام نکرده ضمیمه، و ارائه نامه اطلاعات وضعیت از خدمات انتخابی
Если вы ответили «Да», но вы не регистрировали с помощью системы обслуживания Selective и вы: Еще до 26 лет, вы должны зарегистрироваться, прежде чем подать заявление на натурализацию, и дополнить информацию Selective Service выше; ИЛИ В настоящее время от 26 до 31 лет (29 лет, если вы подаете в разделе INA 319 (а)), но вы не регистрировали с Selective Service, необходимо приложить заявление, объясняющее, почему вы не зарегистрировали, а также обеспечить информация о состоянии письма от Selective Service
Haddii aad ku jawaabtay “Haa,” laakiin ma aad iska diiwaan System Selective Service iyo aad tahay: Weli hoos 26 sano jir, waa in aad iska diiwaan gelin ka hor inta aadan dalban waddaniyaynta, oo soo buuxi macluumaadka Selective Service kor ku xusan; AMA Haddaba 26 ilaa 31 sano jir (29 sano jir haddii aad hoos imaanaysa qeybta INA 319 (a) fayl), laakiin ma aad iska diiwaan gelin Selective Service ah, waa in aad ku soo lifaaq qoraal ah oo sharaxeysa sababta ma aad iska diiwaan gelin, iyo in la siiyo warqadda warbixinta xaaladda ka Service ee Doorashada
Nếu bạn trả lời “Có”, nhưng bạn đã không đăng ký với Hệ thống tuyển và bạn là: Tuy nhiên dưới 26 tuổi, bạn phải đăng ký trước khi bạn nộp đơn xin nhập tịch, và điền thông tin Selective Service trên; HOẶC Bây giờ 26-31 tuổi (29 tuổi trở lên nếu bạn đang nộp đơn dưới INA phần 319 (a)), nhưng bạn đã không đăng ký với Sở Tuyển Quân, bạn phải đính kèm một tuyên bố giải thích lý do tại sao bạn không đăng ký, và cung cấp thư thông tin trạng thái từ Sở Tuyển Quân
Jika anda menjawab “Ya,” tetapi anda tidak mendaftar dengan Sistem Perkhidmatan Terpilih dan anda adalah: Masih di bawah 26 tahun, anda perlu mendaftar sebelum anda memohon untuk penaturalisasian, dan melengkapkan maklumat Selective Service atas; ATAU Sekarang 26 hingga 31 tahun (29 tahun jika anda memfailkan di bawah seksyen INA 319 (a)), tetapi anda tidak mendaftar dengan Perkhidmatan Terpilih, anda mesti melampirkan suatu pernyataan yang menerangkan mengapa anda tidak mendaftar, dan menyediakan surat maklumat status daripada Perkhidmatan Selective

OR Now 26 to 31 years of age (29 years of age if you are filing under INA section 319(a)), but you did not register with the Selective Service, you must attach a statement explaining why you did not register, and provide a status information letter from the Selective Service

  1. Have you EVER been removed, excluded, or deported from the United States?
  2. Have you EVER been ordered removed, excluded, or deported from the United States?
  3. Have you EVER been placed in removal, exclusion, rescission, or deportation proceedings?
  4. Are removal, exclusion, rescission, or deportation proceedings (including administratively closed proceedings) currently pending against you?
  5. Have you EVER served in the U.S. armed forces?
  6. Are you a male who lived in the United States at any time between your 18th and 26th birthdays? (This does not include living in the United States as a lawful nonimmigrant.)
    1. If you answered “Yes,” when did you register for the Selective Service?
    2. If you answered “Yes,” but you did not register with the Selective Service System and you are: Still under 26 years of age, you must register before you apply for naturalization, and complete the Selective Service information above;
    3. OR Now 26 to 31 years of age (29 years of age if you are filing under INA section 319(a)), but you did not register with the Selective Service, you must attach a statement explaining why you did not register, and provide a status information letter from the Selective Service

US Civics: The Civil War (Fall 2020 Week 9)

In the 1800s, the United States fought the War of 1812, the Mexican-American War, the Spanish-American War, and the Civil War.

The most important war in the 1800s was the Civil War, or the war between the states.

Name one war fought by the United States in the 1800s. –> The Civil War

The North: blue and yellow – The South: red and orange

The Civil War was a fight between the North and the South from 1861 to 1865.

More people in the North wanted to end slavery. States in the South wanted to continue slavery.

Name the U.S. war between the North and the South. –> The Civil War

In many places, there were more slaves than citizens.

The problem of slavery led to the Civil War. The Civil War led to the death of almost one million Americans.

Name one problem that led to the Civil War. –> Slavery

The Civil War was a very difficult time.

Abraham Lincoln was president of the United States during the Civil War.

Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States

Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves.

What was one important thing that Abraham Lincoln did?* –> Freed the slaves

He signed a law called the Emancipation Proclamation. The Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves.

What did the Emancipation Proclamation do? –> Freed the slaves

Lincoln died on April 15, 1865

After the war, Abraham Lincoln was killed.

Slides with questions to practice this information.

Civics Questions

  • Name one war fought by the United States in the 1800s.
  • Name the U.S. war between the North and the South.
  • Name one problem that led to the Civil War.
  • What was one important thing that Abraham Lincoln did?*
  • What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?

N-400 Part 12: 30F-32

Review Questions 30A-30E and past vocabulary:

  1. Have you EVER been a habitual drunkard?
  2. Have you EVER been a prostitute, or procured anyone for prostitution?
  3. Have you EVER sold or smuggled controlled substances, illegal drugs, or narcotics?
  4. Have you EVER been married to more than one person at the same time?
  5. Have you EVER married someone in order to obtain an immigration benefit?

New Questions

2 men scale the border fence
090317-N-5253T-016.DOUGLAS, Ariz. (March 17, 2009) Two men scale the border fence into Mexico (U.S. Navy photo by Steelworker 1st Class Matthew Tyson/Released).

Have you EVER helped anyone to enter, or try to enter, the United States illegally?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

¿Alguna vez ha ayudado a nadie entrar o intentar entrar, los Estados Unidos de manera ilegal?
هل ساعد اي شخص للدخول، أو محاولة للدخول، والولايات المتحدة بصورة غير شرعية؟
သငျသညျအစဉျအမွဲမည်သူမဆိုတရားမဝင်ဝင်, ဒါမှမဟုတ်ရိုက်ထည့်ရန်ကြိုးစား, United States ကိုအကူအညီပေးခဲ့ဖူးသလော
آیا تا به حال کمک هر کسی را وارد کنید، و یا سعی کنید را وارد کنید، ایالات متحده غیر قانونی؟
Вы когда-нибудь помог кто-нибудь войти, или попытаться войти, Соединенные Штаты нелегально?
Weligaa ma ka caawisay qof in ay galaan, ama ay isku dayaan inay soo galaan, Maraykanka si sharci darro ah?
Bạn đã bao giờ giúp bất cứ ai nhập, hoặc cố gắng nhập, Hoa Kỳ bất hợp pháp?
Adakah anda pernah membantu sesiapa sahaja untuk memasuki, atau yang cuba masuk, Amerika Syarikat secara haram?

Thomas Rowlandson – National Gallery of Art, Washington

Have you EVER gambled illegally or received income from illegal gambling?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

¿Alguna vez ha apostado ilegalmente o recibido ingresos por apuestas ilegales?
هل سبق لك أن راهن بشكل غير قانوني أو تلقى الدخل من ألعاب القمار غير المشروعة؟
آیا تا به حال به طور غیر قانونی قمار یا درآمد حاصل از قمار غیر قانونی دریافت کرده اید؟
Вы когда-нибудь играли незаконно или получил доход от незаконных азартных игр?
Weligaa ma qamaaray sharci darro ah ama dakhliga ka qamaarka sharci-darro ah ku helay?
Bạn đã bao giờ đánh bạc bất hợp pháp hoặc nhận thu nhập từ cờ bạc bất hợp pháp?
Adakah anda pernah berjudi secara haram atau menerima pendapatan dari perjudian haram?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Have you EVER failed to support your dependents or to pay alimony?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

¿Alguna vez ha dejado de apoyar a su cargo o pago a la pensión alimenticia?
هل فشل أي وقت مضى لدعم المعالين أو في النفقة الأجر؟
آیا تا به حال موفق به حمایت فرزندان و نفقه پرداخت خود را؟
Вы когда-нибудь не в состоянии поддержать ваши иждивенцы или платить алименты?
Weligaa ma ku guuldareysatay in ay taageeraan ku tiirsan ama in lacagta looqoro garoobaha?
Bạn đã bao giờ thất bại trong việc hỗ trợ những người phụ thuộc hoặc cấp dưỡng lương của bạn?
Adakah anda pernah gagal menyokong tanggungan atau untuk membayar nafkah anda?

Oregon Trail Card

Have you EVER made any misrepresentation to obtain any public benefit in the United States?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

¿Alguna vez ha hecho ninguna declaración falsa para obtener cualquier beneficio público en los Estados Unidos?
هل من أي وقت مضى أي تحريف للحصول على أي منفعة العامة في الولايات المتحدة؟
آیا تا به حال هیچ نادرست برای به دست آوردن هر منافع عمومی در ایالات متحده ساخته شده است؟
Вы когда-нибудь сделали какое-либо искажение, чтобы получить какую-либо общественную пользу в Соединенных Штатах?
Weligaa ma ka dhigay khalad kasta oo si aad u hesho lacagta dadweynaha kasta ee Mareykanka?
Bạn đã bao giờ thực hiện bất kỳ trình bày sai để có được bất kỳ lợi ích công cộng tại Hoa Kỳ?
Adakah anda pernah membuat apa-apa gambaran yang salah untuk mendapatkan apa-apa faedah awam di Amerika Syarikat?

Image by Roland Schwerdhöfer from Pixabay

Have you EVER given any U.S. Government officials any information or documentation that was false, fraudulent, or misleading?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

¿Alguna vez ha dado ninguna Funcionarios del gobierno EE.UU. cualquier información o documentación que era falsa, fraudulenta o engañosa?
هل سبق لك أن تعطى أي مسؤولون حكوميون الولايات المتحدة أية معلومات أو الوثائق التي كانت كاذبة، مزورة، أو مضللة؟
သငျသညျအစဉျအမွဲမဆိုအမေရိကန်ပြည်ထောင်စုအစိုးရအရာရှိများ, မှားယွင်းသောလိမ်လည်မှု, ဒါမှမဟုတ်လှညျ့စားခဲ့တာဆိုသတင်းအချက်အလက်သို့မဟုတ်စာရွက်စာတမ်းများပေးထားရှိပါသလား?
آیا تا به حال با توجه به هر مقامات دولت ایالات متحده هر گونه اطلاعات یا اسناد و مدارک که نادرست بود، جعلی، یا گمراه کننده؟
Вы когда-либо давали любые должностные лица правительства США какую-либо информацию или документацию, которая была ложной, мошеннический, или вводит в заблуждение?
Weligaa idin siiyey wax kasta oo ka tirsan dowladda Maraykanka wixii macluumaad ah ama waraaqo ahaa been ah, khayaano ah, ama marin habaabin?
Bạn đã bao giờ đưa ra bất kỳ quan chức Chính phủ Hoa Kỳ bất cứ thông tin hoặc tài liệu đó là sai sự thật, lừa đảo, hoặc gây hiểu lầm?
Adakah anda pernah diberi mana-mana pegawai AS Kerajaan apa-apa maklumat atau dokumen itu adalah palsu, menipu atau mengelirukan?

Have you EVER lied to any U.S. Government officials to gain entry or admission into the United States or to gain immigration benefits while in the United States?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

¿Alguna vez has mentido a los funcionarios del gobierno EE.UU. ganancia de entrada o admisión en los Estados Unidos o al aumento de beneficios de inmigración, mientras que en los Estados Unidos?
هل كذب من أي وقت مضى إلى أي مسؤولون حكوميون الولايات المتحدة للدخول الربح أو القبول في الولايات المتحدة أو إلى زيادة فوائد الهجرة بينما في الولايات المتحدة؟
အမေရိကန်ပြည်ထောင်စုရှိနေချိန်မှာသင်ကအစဉ်အဆက်ကအမေရိကန်ပြည်ထောင်စုသို့အမြတ် entry ကိုသို့မဟုတ်ဝန်ခံချက်ဖို့ဒါမှမဟုတ်အမြတ်လူဝင်မှုကြီးကြပ်ရေးအကျိုးကျေးဇူးများကိုမဆိုအမေရိကန်ပြည်ထောင်စုအစိုးရအရာရှိများမှလိမ်ရှိပါသလား?
آیا تا به حال به هر مقامات دولت ایالات متحده به دست آوردن یا از ورود ورود به ایالات متحده و یا به دست آوردن منافع مهاجرت در حالی که در ایالات متحده دروغ گفته؟
Вы когда-нибудь лгали любых должностных лиц правительства США для вступления усиления или допуска в Соединенные Штаты или к увеличению иммиграционных льгот в то время как в Соединенных Штатах?
Weligaa ma been ka mid ah Saraakiisha Dowladda Maraykanka u soo galo faa’iido ama gelitaanka gelin Mareykanka ama in ay faa’iido faa’iidooyinka socdaalka halka United States?
Bạn đã bao giờ nói dối với bất kỳ quan chức chính phủ Hoa Kỳ để nhập tăng hoặc nhập vào Hoa Kỳ hoặc để tăng lợi ích nhập cư trong khi tại Hoa Kỳ?
Adakah anda pernah berbohong kepada mana-mana pegawai-pegawai AS Kerajaan untuk kemasukan keuntungan atau kemasukan ke Amerika Syarikat atau untuk keuntungan faedah imigresen manakala di Amerika Syarikat?

  1. Have you EVER helped anyone to enter, or try to enter, the United States illegally?
  2. Have you EVER gambled illegally or received income from illegal gambling?
  3. Have you EVER failed to support your dependents or to pay alimony?
  4. Have you EVER made any misrepresentation to obtain any public benefit in the United States?
  5. Have you EVER given any U.S. Government officials any information or documentation that was false, fraudulent, or misleading?
  6. Have you EVER lied to any U.S. Government officials to gain entry or admission into the United States or to gain immigration benefits while in the United States?

Civics: A Young Country (Fall 2020 Week 8)

Civics Review: The Declaration and Constitution

Reading and Civics

After Washington, Adams became president. After Adams, Thomas Jefferson became president.

This stamp shows the Louisiana Territory

Thomas Jefferson wanted the United States to get bigger and bigger.

The Louisiana Territory was 828,000 square miles of land. It was named after King Louis (Luis) of France.

In 1803, the United States bought the Louisiana Territory from France.

What territory did the United States buy from France in 1803? –> Louisiana

In 1812, there was more war with England. One man saw a terrible fight all night long. But in the morning, the US flag was still there.

He wrote a poem and a song called “The Star Spangled Banner.”

The Star Spangled Banner means “the flag with a lot of stars.”

It was very popular. It became the national anthem for the United States.

You can watch the National Anthem from the 2021 Inauguration of Joe Biden

What is the name of the national anthem? –> The Star Spangled Banner

African people were brought to the United States as slaves from 1619 to 1821.

Even after 1821, slavery continued in the south United States.

There were 4 million slaves in the United States. More and more, people said: “This is wrong. All people have the rights of life and liberty.”

These people wanted civil rights for all Americans. Civil rights means protecting the rights of all people.

One important civil rights leader was Susan B. Anthony. Susan B. Anthony fought for civil rights for all people, black and white.

Also, Susan B. Anthony fought for women’s rights. For example, in the 1700s and 1800s, women in the United States did not have the right to vote.

What did Susan B. Anthony do? –> Fought for women’s rights.

Suffragists parade down Fifth Avenue, New York City, 1917. Advocates march in October 1917, displaying placards containing the signatures of more than one million New York women demanding the vote. The New York Times Photo Archives

In 1920, Americans made a change to the constitution. The 19th (nineteenth) Amendment means that all women citizens of the United States get the right to vote.

But what about the millions of slaves in the US in the 1800s? The evil problem of slavery was like a bomb waiting. And in 1861, the bomb went off.


  • What territory did the United States buy from France in 1803?
  • What did Susan B. Anthony do?
  • What is the name of the national anthem?