Practice with Eric

N-400 Part 12: Questions 22-28

Review: Questions 19-21

  1. Did you EVER receive any type of military, paramilitary, or weapons training?
  2. Did you EVER recruit (ask), enlist (sign up), conscript (require), or use children in an armed force?
  3. Did you EVER use children to do anything that helped or supported people in combat?


New Questions

Have you EVER been arrested, cited, or detained by any law enforcement officer (including any immigration official or any official of the U.S. armed forces) for any reason?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez ha sido arrestado, citado o detenido por algún oficial de la ley (incluido cualquier oficial de inmigración o cualquier funcionario de las Fuerzas Armadas de los Estados Unidos) por cualquier motivo?
  • هل سبق لك أن تم إلقاء القبض عليهم، أو استشهدهم، أو احتجازهم من قبل أي موظف لإنفاذ القانون (بما في ذلك أي مسؤول عن الهجرة أو أي مسؤول للقوات المسلحة الأمريكية) لأي سبب من الأسباب؟
  • မည်သည့်အကြောင်းပြချက်ဖြင့်မဆို (U.S. လက်နက်ကိုင်တပ်ဖွဲ့များအပါအ 0 င်မည်သူမဆိုအပါအ 0 င်မည်သည့်လူဝင်မှုကြီးကြပ်ရေးအရာရှိ,
  • 您是否曾因任何原因被任何执法人员(包括任何移民官员或美国武装部队的任何官员)被捕,引用或拘留?
  • Avez-vous déjà été arrêté, cité ou détenu par tout agent de la force publique (y compris un responsable de l’immigration ou un fonctionnaire des forces armées américaines) pour une raison quelconque?
  • Pernahkah anda ditangkap, dikutip, atau ditahan oleh mana-mana Pegawai Penguatkuasa Undang-Undang (termasuk mana-mana pegawai Imigresen atau mana-mana Pegawai Angkatan Bersenjata A.S.) untuk apa-apa sebab?
  • آیا تا به حال به هر دلیلی از هرگونه افسر اجرای قانون (از جمله هر مقام مهاجرت یا هر مقام نیروهای ایالات متحده آمریکا) دستگیر شده اید؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم نیول شوی یاست، په ګوته شوی، یا نیول شوی د کوم دلیل لپاره د مهاجرت چارواکي یا کوم چارواکی)؟
  • Вы когда-либо были арестованы, цитированы или задержаны любым сотрудником правоохранительных органов (включая любой сотрудник иммиграции или любым чиновником вооруженных сил США) по какой-либо причине?
  • Weligaa ma lagu qabtay, oo lagu soo xigtay, ama lagu xiray sarkaal kasta oo meelyenimo ah (oo ay ku jiraan sarkaal kasta oo laanta socdaalka ama sarkaal kasta oo ka mid ah Ciidamada Qalabka Sida) sabab kasta ha noqotee?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ bị bắt, trích dẫn, hoặc bị giam giữ bởi bất kỳ nhân viên thực thi pháp luật nào (bao gồm bất kỳ quan chức nhập cư hoặc bất kỳ quan chức nào của lực lượng vũ trang Hoa Kỳ) vì bất kỳ lý do gì?

Have you EVER been charged with committing, attempting to commit, or assisting in committing a crime or offense?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez ha sido acusado de cometer, intentar comprometerse o ayudar a cometer un delito u ofensa?
  • هل سبق لك أن اتهم بارتكاب أو محاولة الالتزام أو المساعدة في ارتكاب جريمة أو جريمة؟
  • ကျူးလွန်ရန်ကြိုးပမ်းခြင်းသို့မဟုတ်ရာဇ 0 တ်မှုကျူးလွန်ခြင်းသို့မဟုတ်ပြစ်မှုကျူးလွန်ခြင်းအတွက်ကူညီခြင်း,
  • 您是否曾被指控犯下,试图承诺或协助犯罪或犯罪?
  • Avez-vous déjà été accusé d’avoir commis, essayez de vous engager ou d’aider à commettre un crime ou une infraction?
  • Adakah anda pernah didakwa melakukan, cuba melakukan, atau membantu melakukan jenayah atau kesalahan?
  • آیا تا به حال متهم به ارتکاب، تلاش برای انجام دادن یا کمک به ارتکاب جرم یا جرم شده اید؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم د جرم یا جرم په کولو کې د ژمن کولو، کولو یا مرستې کولو مسؤلیت لرئ؟
  • Вам когда-нибудь были обвинены в связи с совершением, пытаясь совершить или оказание помощи в совершении преступления или преступления?
  • Weligaa lagugu eedeeyey inaad gashay, iskuday inaad sameyso, ama ka caaweyso inaad gasho dambi ama dembi?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ bị buộc tội cam kết, cố gắng cam kết, hoặc hỗ trợ thực hiện tội phạm hoặc hành vi phạm tội?

Have you EVER been convicted of a crime or offense?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez ha sido condenado por un delito u ofensa?
  • هل سبق أن أدين بجريمة أو جريمة؟
  • ရာဇ 0 တ်မှု (သို့) ပြစ်မှုကျူးလွန်မှုကိုသင်ပြစ်မှုကျူးလွန်ဖူးပါသလား။
  • 你有没有被判犯有犯罪或罪行?
  • Avez-vous déjà été reconnu coupable d’un crime ou d’une infraction?
  • Adakah anda pernah disabitkan dengan jenayah atau kesalahan?
  • آیا تا به حال به جرم یا جرم محکوم شده اید؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم په جرم یا جرم محکوم کړی یاست؟
  • Вы когда-нибудь были осуждены за преступление или преступление?
  • Weligaa ma lagugu xukumay dambi ama dembi?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ bị kết án về một tội phạm hoặc hành vi phạm tội?

Have you EVER committed, assisted in committing, or attempted to commit, a crime or offense for which you were NOT arrested?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez ha cometido, asistido en cometer o intentar cometer, un delito u ofensa por la cual no fue arrestado?
  • هل سبق لك أن ارتكبت أو ساعدت في ارتكابها أو محاولة ارتكاب جريمة أو جريمة لم تعتقل منها؟
  • သင်ကျူးလွန်ခဲ့ဖူးပါသလား, ကျူးလွန်ခြင်း, ကျူးလွန်ခြင်း,
  • 您是否曾致力于致力于犯下或企图犯罪,犯罪或犯罪,因为您没有被捕?
  • Avez-vous déjà été commis, aidé à commettre ou à tenter de commettre un crime ou une infraction pour laquelle vous n’étiez pas arrêté?
  • Pernahkah anda melakukan, membantu dalam melakukan, atau cuba untuk melakukan, jenayah atau kesalahan yang anda tidak ditangkap?
  • آیا تا به حال متعهد، کمک به ارتکاب، یا تلاش برای انجام، جرم و جنایت که برای شما دستگیر نشده بود؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم وکړل، چې د ژمنې، جرم، جرم یا جرم ترسره کولو کې یې مرسته کړې، یا د کوم جرم یا جرم هڅه یې کړې چې تاسو نه یاست نیول شوي یاست؟
  • Вы когда-либо совершали, помогали в совершении или попытались совершить преступление или преступление, на которое вы не были арестованы?
  • Weligaa ma gashay, oo laga caawiyay galinta, ama aad isku dayday inaad sameyso, dambi ama dembi aan lagu xirin?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ cam kết, được hỗ trợ trong việc cam kết, hoặc cố gắng cam kết, một tội phạm hoặc hành vi phạm tội mà bạn không bị bắt?

Have you EVER been placed in an alternative sentencing or a rehabilitative program (for example, diversion, deferred prosecution, withheld adjudication, deferred adjudication)?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez se le ha colocado en una sentencia alternativa o un programa de rehabilitación (por ejemplo, desviación, enjuiciamiento diferido, retenido adjudicación, adjudicación diferida)?
  • هل سبق لك أن وضعت في حكم بديل أو برنامج تأهيل (على سبيل المثال، التحويل، المقاضاة المؤجلة، الحموض على الحكم، الحكم المؤجلة)؟
  • သင့်အားအခြားစီရင်ချက်ချခြင်းသို့မဟုတ်ပြန်လည်ထူထောင်ရေးအစီအစဉ်တွင်ထားရှိဖူးပါသလား (ဥပမာ, လွှဲပြောင်းခြင်း,
  • 您是否曾被置于替代判决或康复计划(例如,转移,递延起诉,拒绝裁决,递延裁决)?
  • Avez-vous déjà été placé dans une alternative de détermination de la détermination de la peine ou du programme de réhabilitation (par exemple, détournement, poursuite différée, arbitrage retenue, arbitrage différé)?
  • Pernahkah anda diletakkan dalam hukuman alternatif atau program pemulihan (contohnya, pengalihan, pendakwaan tertunda, yang ditahan, adjudikasi, adjudikasi tertunda)?
  • آیا تا به حال در یک محکومیت جایگزین یا یک برنامه توانبخشی قرار داده اید (به عنوان مثال، انحراف، پیگرد قانونی، محاکمه محاکمه، محکوم کردن محاکمه شده)؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم په بدیل محکومیت یا بیارغونې پروګرام کې ځای په ځای شوی یاست (د مثال په توګه، محاکمه شو، په برید کې قضاوت ځنډول شوی)؟
  • Вы когда-нибудь были размещены в альтернативном вынесении или реабилитационной программе (например, утечка, отложенное судебное преследование, удержание судебных органов, отсроченное решение)?
  • Weligaa ma lagu meeleeyay xukun kale oo xukun ah ama barnaamij dayactir ah (tusaale ahaan, weecinta, dacwad lagu soo rogo, xukun la joojiyo, garsoor loo gudbo)?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ được đặt trong một bài tuyên án thay thế hoặc một chương trình phục hồi (ví dụ: chuyển hướng, truy tố hoãn lại, khấu trừ xét xử, xét xử hoãn lại)?

Have you EVER received a suspended sentence, been placed on probation, or been paroled?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez ha recibido una oración suspendida, se ha puesto en libertad condicional, o ha estado en libertad condicional?
  • هل سبق لك أن تلقيت جملة معلقة، وضعت تحت المراقبة، أو كانت على الإفراج المشروط؟
  • သင်ဆိုင်းငံ့ထားသည့်ဝါကျကိုလက်ခံဖူးပါသလား။
  • 你有没有收到过暂停的句子,被置于缓刑,或者是假释?
  • Avez-vous déjà reçu une condamnation avec sursis, avez-vous été placée sur une probation ou été sur la libération conditionnelle?
  • Pernahkah anda menerima hukuman yang digantung, telah diletakkan pada percubaan, atau berada di parol?
  • آیا تا به حال یک حکم معلق دریافت کرده اید، بر روی پرونده قرار گرفته اید، یا در Parole بوده اید؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم تعلیق شوی سزا ترلاسه کړې، په آزموینې کې کیښودل شوې، یا په پیرول کې شوي؟
  • Вы когда-нибудь получали приостановленный приговор, был нанесен на испытательный срок или был на пароле?
  • Weligaa xukun ma lagu xukumay, lagu meeleeyay tijaabada, mise sii-dayn sharafeed?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ nhận được một câu bị đình chỉ, đã được đưa vào quản chế, hoặc được tạm tha?

Have you EVER been in jail or prison?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez has estado en la cárcel o en la prisión?
  • هل سبق لك أن كنت في السجن أم السجن؟
  • မင်းထောင်ထဲမှာလား
  • 你有没有入狱或监狱?
  • Avez-vous déjà été en prison ou à une prison?
  • Pernahkah anda berada di penjara atau penjara?
  • آیا تا به حال در زندان یا زندان بوده اید؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم په جیل یا زندان کې یاست؟
  • Вы когда-нибудь были в тюрьме или тюрьме?
  • Weligaa ma ku jirtay xabsi ama xabsi?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ ở tù hay nhà tù?


  1. Have you EVER been arrested, cited, or detained by any law enforcement officer (including any immigration official or any official of the U.S. armed forces) for any reason?
  2. Have you EVER been charged with committing, attempting to commit, or assisting in committing a crime or offense?
  3. Have you EVER been convicted of a crime or offense?
  4. Have you EVER committed, assisted in committing, or attempted to commit, a crime or offense for which you were NOT arrested?
  5. Have you EVER been placed in an alternative sentencing or a rehabilitative program (for example, diversion, deferred prosecution, withheld adjudication, deferred adjudication)?
  6. Have you EVER received a suspended sentence, been placed on probation, or been paroled?
  7. Have you EVER been in jail or prison?

The United States is Free

Civics and Reading: The United States is free

More and more American colonists wanted a revolution.

Colonists came to America for freedom. But, the colonies were still part of the British Government.

The British Government and the King of England chose the leaders of the colonies. Many colonists wanted to choose their own leaders.

The British Government and the King of England made taxes higher and higher. More and more colonists were unhappy with the government.

More and more American colonists made plans to overthrow the British Government. They fought the British because of high taxes and because they wanted to choose their own leaders.

Why did the colonists fight the British? –> High taxes

British soldiers fought with people in Boston, 1770. Image by Paul Revere.

Some colonists made a new government to fight the British and make a new country.

They made the Declaration of Independence. It said that the United States is free.

What did the Declaration of Independence do? –> It said the United States is free

The signing of the Declaration of Independence – Public Domain – Painting by John Trumbull

The Declaration of Independence is a break-up letter with the British government and King of England. It has a list of all the problems with the British government.

It says that all people have the rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. The American colonists said that the British did not give them life or liberty.

What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence? –> Life and Liberty

Many American colonists talked about the ideas in the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence.

Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? –> Thomas Jefferson

Can you see the date?

The new American congress had a vote to agree with the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4th, 1776.

Be careful: was adopted = in the past, in history, in 1776.

When was the Declaration of Independence adopted? –> July 4th, 1776

That’s why we celebrate Independence Day every July 4th. Be careful: we celebrate = in the present, every year.

When do we celebrate Independence Day?* –> July 4th (July fourth)

Civics Review

  1. Why did the colonists fight the British?
  2. When do we celebrate Independence Day?*
  3. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?
  4. What did the Declaration of Independence do?
  5. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
  6. What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence?

From Tuesday:

  1. Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived?
  2. Name one American Indian tribe in the United States.
  3. What is one reason colonists came to America?
  4. What group of people was taken to America and sold as slaves?
  5. Why does the flag have 13 stripes?
  6. There were 13 original states. Name three.

N-400 Part 12: Questions 19-21

N-400 Review (questions 16-18)

  1. Were you EVER a worker in a prison or a jail?
  2. Were you EVER a worker in a labor camp?
  3. Were you EVER a worker in a detention facility?
  4. Were you EVER a worker in a prison camp?
  5. Were you EVER a worker in any place people were forced to stay?
  6. Were you EVER involved in any way with a group that used a weapon against any person, or threatened to do so?
  7. Did you EVER sell, give, or provide weapons to any person, or help another person sell, give, or provide weapons to any person?

New Questions and Translations

Did you EVER receive any type of military, paramilitary, or weapons training?

Yes, I did / No, I didn’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez recibió algún tipo de militar, paramilitar (un grupo de personas que actúan como un grupo militar, pero no forman parte del ejército oficial) o la capacitación de armas?
  • هل تلقيت أي نوع من أي نوع من أنواع العسكرية، شبه العسكرية (مجموعة من الأشخاص الذين يتصرفون مثل مجموعة عسكرية ولكنهم ليسوا جزءا من الجيش الرسمي)، أو تدريب الأسلحة؟
  • မည်သည့်စစ်ရေး, လက်နက်ကိုင်ရန်ပုံငွေအဖွဲ့ (စစ်တပ်အုပ်စုကဲ့သို့ပြုမူသောလူအုပ်စု) ကိုသင်ရဖူးပါသလား။
  • 你有没有收到任何类型的军事,准军事公司(一群人,也像军事小组,而不是官方军事的一部分),或武器培训?
  • Avez-vous déjà reçu un type d’armée, paramilitario (un groupe de personnes qui agissent comme un groupe militaire mais ne font pas partie de l’armée officielle), ou une formation d’armes?
  • Adakah anda pernah menerima apa-apa jenis tentera, paramiliter (sekumpulan orang yang bertindak seperti kumpulan ketenteraan tetapi bukan sebahagian daripada tentera rasmi), atau latihan senjata?
  • آیا تا به حال هر نوع نظامی و شبه نظامی را دریافت کرده اید (گروهی از افرادی که مانند یک گروه نظامی عمل می کنند، اما بخشی از نظامی رسمی نیستند) یا آموزش سلاح ها؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم کوم ډول نظامي، ملېشې (د خلکو یوې ډلې (د خلکو ډلې (د نظامي ډلې سره عمل کوم مګر د وسلو روزنه نه ده؟
  • Вы когда-либо получали какой-либо тип военной, военачальнику (группа людей, которые действуют как военная группа, но не являются частью официальных военных), или обучения оружия?
  • Weligaa ma heshay nooc kasta oo militari ah, milatariga (koox dad ah oo u dhaqma sidii koox militari laakiin aan qayb ka ahayn millatari rasmiga ah), ama tababarka hubka?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ nhận được bất kỳ loại quân sự, bán quân sự (một nhóm người hành động như một nhóm quân sự mà không phải là một phần của quân đội chính thức), hoặc đào tạo vũ khí?

Did you EVER recruit (ask), enlist (sign up), conscript (require), or use children in an armed force?

Yes, I did / No, I didn’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez reclutó (pregunta), enlist (Registrarse), conscript (requieren), o usar cualquier persona menor de 15 años para servir o ayudar a una fuerza o grupo armado?
  • هل سبق لك تجنيد (اسأل)، والجنس (التسجيل)، أو مجند (تتطلب)، أو استخدام أي شخص أقل من 15 عاما للخدمة أو مساعدة قوة مسلحة أو مجموعة؟
  • သင် (အမေး), စာရင်းသွင်းခြင်း (Sign Up), စစ်မှုထမ်းခြင်း (Sign Up), စစ်မှုထမ်းခြင်း (လိုအပ်သည်),
  • 您是否曾招聘过(询问),入伍(注册),征征(要求),或使用15岁以下的任何人在武装部队或团队中服务或帮助武装部队?
  • Avez-vous déjà recruté (demandez-vous), enrôlez (inscrivez-vous), conscrit (exiger) ou utilisez une personne de moins de 15 ans pour servir ou aider une force ou un groupe armée?
  • Adakah anda pernah merekrut (bertanya), mendaftar (mendaftar), konskrip (memerlukan), atau menggunakan mana-mana orang di bawah umur 15 tahun untuk berkhidmat atau membantu pasukan bersenjata atau kumpulan?
  • آیا تا به حال استخدام (درخواست)، ثبت نام (ثبت نام)، دستور (نیاز)، و یا استفاده از هر فرد زیر 15 سال برای خدمت به نیروی مسلح یا گروه؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم استخدام کړی (پوښتنه)، لیست (لاسلیک کول)، مخینه (اړتیا لري)، یو وسله وال ځواک یا ډلې ته خدمت کول یا د خدمت لپاره کوم شخص کاروي؟
  • Вы когда-нибудь набрали (спрашивали), заручиться (зарегистрируйтесь), призыва (требуют) или использовать любое лицо в возрасте до 15 лет, чтобы служить или помочь вооруженной силе или группе?
  • Weligaa ma shaqaysay (weydiiso), gariir (saxeex), qirasho (baahi), ama isticmaal qof kasta oo ka yar 15 sano jir si aad u shaqeyso ama ka caawiso xoog hubeysan?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ tuyển dụng (yêu cầu), tranh thủ (đăng ký), CAM KẾT (yêu cầu) hoặc sử dụng bất kỳ người nào dưới 15 tuổi để phục vụ hoặc giúp một lực lượng vũ trang hoặc nhóm?

Did you EVER use children to do anything that helped or supported people in combat?

Yes, I did / No, I didn’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez usaste alguna persona menor de 15 años para hacer algo que ayudó o apoyó a las personas en combate?
  • هل سبق لك استخدام أي شخص أقل من 15 عاما للقيام بأي شيء ساعد أو يدعم الناس في القتال؟
  • တိုက်ခိုက်မှုတွင်လူများကိုကူညီရန်သို့မဟုတ်ထောက်ခံသည့်အရာများကိုပြုလုပ်ရန်အသက် 15 နှစ်အောက်လူတစ် ဦး ကိုသင်အသုံးပြုဖူးပါသလား။
  • 您是否曾在15岁以下使用任何人做任何帮助或支持战斗人士的事情?
  • Avez-vous déjà utilisé une personne de moins de 15 ans pour faire quelque chose qui a aidé ou soutenu des personnes au combat?
  • Adakah anda pernah menggunakan mana-mana orang di bawah umur 15 tahun untuk melakukan apa-apa yang membantu atau menyokong orang dalam pertempuran?
  • آیا تا به حال از هر فرد زیر 15 سال استفاده کرده اید تا هر کاری را که به مردم کمک کرده یا از آنها حمایت کرده اید یا حمایت کنید؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم د 15 کالو څخه کم عمر لرونکي شخص کارولی دی چې کوم بل هغه څه کوي چې د خلکو سره یې مرسته کړې یا ملاتړ یې کړی؟
  • Вы когда-нибудь использовали человека до 15 лет, чтобы сделать все, что помогло или поддерживало людей в бою?
  • Weligaa ma u isticmaashay qof kasta oo ka yar 15 sano jir si aad wax uga qabato wax ka caawiya ama taageeray dadka dagaalka?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ sử dụng bất kỳ người nào dưới 15 tuổi để làm bất cứ điều gì đã giúp đỡ hoặc hỗ trợ những người trong chiến đấu?
  1. Did you EVER receive any type of military, paramilitary, or weapons training?
  2. Did you EVER recruit (ask), enlist (sign up), conscript (require), or use children in an armed force?
  3. Did you EVER use children to do anything that helped or supported people in combat?

Listen, answer, and practice

Before the United States

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 640px-NMtrip-05-047.jpg

More than 15,000 years ago, people came to North America, Central America, and South America.

They spread all over America, and created many different cultures and civilizations.

These people were the Native Americans, or American Indians.

Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived? –> American Indians or Native Americans

There were thousands of different American Indian groups, called tribes.

Many tribes are still here today. More than 5 million Native Americans and mixed race Native Americans live in the United States now.

Each tribe has its own traditions, leaders, art, culture, and languages, too.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 330px-Deb_Haaland_official_portrait_116th_congress_2.jpg

One example is the Pueblo tribe. Today, a Pueblo woman, Deb Haaland, is part of Joe Biden’s cabinet. She is the Secretary of the Interior.

The Department of the Interior manages 507 million acres of land in the US. It is also responsible for relationships with Native Americans.

Extra information: Right now, the United States has 4 representatives in congress who are Native Americans. They are from New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Kansas. There is also one representative who is Native Hawaiian.

Name one American Indian tribe in the United States. –> Pueblo

World Map – Robinson Projection by Wikimedia Commons user Strebe

People from Europe are called Europeans. Christopher Columbus was one of the first Europeans to come to America.

Europeans fought American Indians, took their land, and brought diseases. Some Europeans did business with the Indians, made friendships, and even married with them. But, millions of American Indians died from these problems.

Europeans started colonies in America. These were new cities, but they still had a connection to their home country.

For example, Spain, Portugal, and England started many colonies. The people who live in colonies were called colonists.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 461px-Allan_Ramsay_-_King_George_III_in_coronation_robes_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg

In England, the leader of the government was a king. The British king had a lot of power, and many people did not have freedom.

We use the words British and English to describe the same place.

Many English people became colonists, and came to America for more freedom.

What is one reason colonists came to America? –> Freedom

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is African_slave_ship_diagram.jpg

On the other hand, many people lost their freedom in America. European businessmen took more than 12 million African people to North and South America and sold them as slaves.

What group of people was taken to America and sold as slaves? –> African people

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 640px-Flag_of_the_United_States_1777-1795.svg_-1.png

By the year 1700, America was home to Native Americans, colonists, and slaves. 13 British colonies in North America are now part of the United States.

We remember those 13 original colonies in the 13 stripes of the United States.

Why does the flag have 13 stripes? –> There were 13 original colonies

Map of 13 colonies
Map of 13 colonies by Wikimedia Commons user Jengod

There were 13 original colonies that became states. Good news: you don’t have to remember all of them!

You can remember the 3 NEW states: New York, New Jersey, and New Hampshire.

Or, you can remember the 3 beautiful sisters: Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.

There were 13 original states. Name three. –> New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire

  1. Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived?
  2. Name one American Indian tribe in the United States.
  3. What is one reason colonists came to America?
  4. What group of people was taken to America and sold as slaves?
  5. Why does the flag have 13 stripes?
  6. There were 13 original states. Name three.

N-400 Part 12, Question 16-18

Review Question 15:

  1. Were you EVER a member of a military unit?
  2. Were you EVER a member of a paramilitary unit?
  3. Were you EVER a member of a police unit?
  4. Were you EVER a member of a self defense unit?
  5. Were you EVER a member of a vigilante unit?
  6. Were you EVER a member of a rebel group?
  7. Were you EVER a member of a guerrilla group?
  8. Were you EVER a member of a militia?
  9. Were you EVER a member of a insurgent organization?

New Questions

  1. Were you EVER a worker in a prison or a jail?
  2. Were you EVER a worker in a labor camp?
  3. Were you EVER a worker in a detention facility?
  4. Were you EVER a worker in a prison camp?
  5. Were you EVER a worker in any place people were forced to stay?
  6. Were you EVER involved in any way with a group that used a weapon against any person, or threatened to do so?
  7. Did you EVER sell, give, or provide weapons to any person, or help another person sell, give, or provide weapons to any person?

Were you EVER a worker in a prison or a jail?

Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t / No, never

¿Alguna vez fue un trabajador, voluntario o soldado, o alguna vez ha servido alguna vez en una prisión o cárcel?
هل كنت من أي وقت مضى عامل أو متطوع أو جندي، أم أنك تخدم في السجن أو السجن؟
မင်းလုပ်သား, စေတနာ့ 0 န်ထမ်းလားစစ်သားတစ်ယောက်, ဒါမှမဟုတ်စစ်သားတစ်ယောက်လား, ဒါမှမဟုတ်မင်းကထောင်ထဲမှာလား, ထောင်ထဲမှာလား။
Étiez-vous déjà un travailleur, un bénévole ou un soldat ou avez-vous déjà servi dans une prison ou une prison?
Adakah anda pernah menjadi pekerja, sukarelawan, atau askar, atau adakah anda pernah berkhidmat di penjara atau penjara?
آیا شما تا به حال یک کارگر، داوطلب، یا سرباز، یا شما در غیر این صورت هرگز در یک زندان یا زندان خدمت کرده اید؟
ایا تاسو کله هم یو کارګر، داوطلبي یا سرتیری یاست، یا کوم کوم ډول یې په زندان یا محبس کې خدمت وکړ؟
Вы когда-нибудь работали рабочего, добровольца или солдат, или вы когда-либо служили в тюрьме или тюрьме?
Weligaa ma shaqaaleow, iskaa wax u qabso, ama askar, mise si kale miyaad ugu adeegtay xabsi ama xabsi?
Bạn đã bao giờ có một công nhân, tình nguyện, hoặc người lính, hoặc bạn có bao giờ phục vụ trong một nhà tù hoặc nhà tù?

Were you EVER a worker in a labor camp?

Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez fue un trabajador, voluntario o soldado, o si alguna vez sirvió en un campo de trabajo (un lugar donde las personas se ven obligadas a trabajar)?
  • هل كنت في أي وقت مضى عامل أو متطوع أو جندي، أم أنك تعمل على خلاف ذلك في مخيم العمل (مكان يضطر فيه الناس إلى العمل)؟
  • သငျသညျအလုပ်သမား, စေတနာ့ဝန်ထမ်းသို့မဟုတ်စစ်သားသို့မဟုတ်စစ်သားတစ် ဦး သို့မဟုတ်သင်မဟုတ်ရင်အလုပ်ခွင်၌အလုပ်ကြမ်းခရီး၌အစဉ်အဆက်အစဉ်အဆက်အစဉ်အဆက်အမှုတော်ဆောင်ခဲ့သလား။
  • 你有没有工人,志愿者或士兵,或者你否则在劳动训练营服用(人们被迫上班的地方)?
  • Étiez-vous déjà un travailleur, un bénévole ou un soldat ou avez-vous déjà servi dans un camp de travail (un endroit où les gens sont obligés de travailler)?
  • Adakah anda pernah menjadi pekerja, sukarelawan, atau askar, atau adakah anda pernah berkhidmat di kem buruh (tempat di mana orang terpaksa bekerja)?
  • آیا شما تا به حال یک کارگر، داوطلب، و یا سرباز، و یا شما در غیر این صورت همیشه در یک اردوگاه کار خدمت کرده اید (جایی که مردم مجبور به کار هستند)؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم یو کارګر، داوطلب، یا سرتیری یاست، یا کوم بل چې د کار په کمپ کې کار کوي (یو ځای چې خلک کار ته اړ ایستل کیږي)؟
  • Вы когда-нибудь работник, волонтер или солдат, или вы когда-либо служили в трудовом лагере (место, где люди вынуждены работать)?
  • Weligaa miyaad tahay shaqaale, iskaa wax u qabso, ama askar, ama si kale miyaad ugu adeegtay kaamka shaqaalaha (meel lagu qasbay in lagu shaqeeyo)?
  • Bạn có bao giờ có một công nhân, tình nguyện hoặc người lính, hoặc bạn có bao giờ phục vụ trong một trại lao động (một nơi mà mọi người bị buộc phải làm việc)?

Were you EVER a worker in a detention facility?

Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t / No, never

¿Alguna vez fue un trabajador, voluntario o soldado, o alguna vez ha servido alguna vez en un centro de detención (un lugar donde las personas se ven obligadas a quedarse)?
هل سبق لك أي وقت مضى عامل أو متطوع أو جندي، أم أنك تعمل على خلاف ذلك في مرفق الاحتجاز (مكان يضطر فيه الناس إلى البقاء)؟
သငျသညျအလုပ်သမား, စေတနာ့ဝန်ထမ်းသို့မဟုတ်စစ်သားသို့မဟုတ်စစ်သားတစ် ဦး သို့မဟုတ်သင်တစ် ဦး မဟုတ်ရင်ထိန်းသိမ်းရေးစခန်း (လူနေဖို့အတင်းအကျပ်နေတဲ့နေရာ) မှာအမှုဆောင်ခဲ့ဖူးပါသလား။
Étiez-vous déjà travaillé, bénévole ou soldat ou avez-vous déjà servi dans un centre de détention (un endroit où les gens sont obligés de rester)?
Adakah anda pernah menjadi pekerja, sukarelawan, atau askar, atau adakah anda pernah berkhidmat dalam kemudahan tahanan (tempat di mana orang terpaksa tinggal)?
آیا شما تا به حال یک کارگر، داوطلب یا سرباز هستید، یا شما در غیر این صورت در یک بازداشتگاه خدمت کردید (جایی که مردم مجبور به اقامت هستند)؟
ایا تاسو کله هم یو کارګر، رضاکار یا سرتیری یاست، یا کوم بل یې په توقیف ځای کې خدمت کړی (یو ځای چې خلک پاتې کیږي)؟
Вы когда-нибудь работали рабочим, волонтером или солдатом или в противном случае вы когда-либо служили в задержании (место, где люди вынуждены остаться)?
Weligaa ma shaqaaleow, iskaa wax u qabso, ama askar, ama si kale miyaad ugu adeegtay xarun lagu hayo (Meel lagu qasbay inay joogaan)?
Bạn đã bao giờ có một công nhân, tình nguyện hoặc lính, hay bạn từng phục vụ trong một cơ sở giam giữ (một nơi mà mọi người buộc phải ở lại)?

Were you EVER a worker in a prison camp?

Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t / No, never

¿Alguna vez fue un trabajador, voluntario o soldado, o alguna vez ha servido alguna vez en un campamento de prisioneros?
هل كنت من أي وقت مضى عامل أو متطوع أو جندي، أم أنك تخدم أي وقت مضى في معسكر السجن؟
သငျသညျအလုပ်သမား, စေတနာ့ဝန်ထမ်းသို့မဟုတ်စစ်သားသို့မဟုတ်စစ်သားတစ် ဦး သို့မဟုတ်သင်တစ် ဦး မဟုတ်ရင်အကျဉ်းစခန်းမှာအမှုဆောင်ခဲ့သလား
Étiez-vous déjà un travailleur, un bénévole ou un soldat ou avez-vous déjà servi dans un camp de prisonniers?
Adakah anda pernah menjadi pekerja, sukarelawan, atau askar, atau adakah anda pernah berkhidmat di kem penjara?
آیا شما تا به حال یک کارگر، داوطلب یا سرباز، یا شما در غیر این صورت در اردوگاه زندان خدمت کرده اید؟
ایا تاسو کله هم یو کارګر، داوطلب، یا سرتیری یاست، یا کوم بل څوک د یو زندان په کمپ کې خدمت کاوه؟
Вы когда-нибудь работали рабочего, волонтером или солдатом, или вы когда-либо служили в тюремном лагере?
Weligaa miyaad tahay shaqaale, iskaa wax u qabso, ama askar, ama si kale miyaad ugu adeegtay xerada xabsi?
Bạn đã bao giờ có một công nhân, tình nguyện, hoặc người lính, hoặc bạn có bao giờ phục vụ trong một trại tù không?

Were you EVER a worker in any place people were forced to stay?

Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez fue un trabajador, voluntario o soldado, o alguna vez ha servido alguna vez en cualquier otro lugar donde las personas se vieron obligadas a quedarse?
  • هل من أي وقت مضى عامل أو متطوع أو جندي، أم أنك تعمل على خلاف ذلك في أي مكان آخر حيث أجبر الناس على البقاء؟
  • သငျသညျအစဉျအမွဲအလုပ်သမား, စေတနာ့ဝန်ထမ်းသို့မဟုတ်စစ်သားသို့မဟုတ်စစ်သားတစ် ဦး သို့မဟုတ်လူတွေကိုအတင်းအဓမ္မနေတဲ့အခြားမည်သည့်နေရာ၌သင်တစ် ဦး တည်းအမှုတော်ဆောင်ခဲ့သလား။
  • 你有没有工人,志愿者或士兵,或者你否则在任何人被迫留下的地方都服用?
  • Étiez-vous déjà un travailleur, un bénévole ou un soldat ou avez-vous déjà servi dans un autre endroit où les gens ont été forcés de rester?
  • Adakah anda pernah menjadi pekerja, sukarelawan, atau askar, atau adakah anda pernah berkhidmat di mana-mana tempat lain di mana orang terpaksa tinggal?
  • آیا شما تا به حال یک کارگر، داوطلب یا سرباز هستید، یا در غیر این صورت هرگز در هر جای دیگری که مردم مجبور به اقامت بودند خدمت کرده اید؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم یو کارګر، رضاکار یا سرتیری یاست، یا که څه هم په بل کوم ځای کې خدمت وکړئ چیرې چې خلک پاتې کیږي؟
  • Вы когда-нибудь работали рабочие, волонтер или солдат, или вы когда-либо служили в любом другом месте, где люди были вынуждены остаться?
  • Weligaa miyaad tahay shaqaale, iskaa wax u qabso, ama askar, ama si kale ugama adeegtid meel kale oo dadka lagu qasbay inay sii joogaan?
  • Bạn có bao giờ có một công nhân, tình nguyện hoặc lính, hoặc bạn có bao giờ phục vụ ở bất kỳ nơi nào khác mà mọi người bị buộc phải ở lại không?

Were you EVER involved in any way with a group that used a weapon against any person, or threatened to do so?

Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez formó parte de cualquier grupo, o alguna vez ayudó a algún grupo, unidad u organización que usó un arma contra cualquier persona, o amenazó con hacerlo?
  • هل كنت جزءا من أي مجموعة من أي مجموعة، أو هل سبق لك أن تساعد أي مجموعة أو وحدة أو منظمة تستخدم سلاحا ضد أي شخص، أو هدد بهذا؟
  • မည်သည့်အုပ်စုတွင်မဆိုအုပ်စုတစ်စု၏အစိတ်အပိုင်းတစ်ခုသို့မဟုတ်မည်သည့်အဖွဲ့, ယူနစ်သို့မဟုတ်အဖွဲ့အစည်းကိုမဆိုမည်သည့်ပုဂ္ဂိုလ်နှင့်ဆန့်ကျင်သောလက်နက်ကိုအသုံးပြုသောသို့မဟုတ်ထိုသို့ပြုလုပ်ရန်ခြိမ်းခြောက်မှုများကိုသင်ကူညီဖူးပါသလား။
  • 您是否曾经是任何群体的一部分,或者您有没有帮助任何使用武器对任何人的群体,单位或组织,或者威胁要这样做?
  • Avez-vous déjà participé à un groupe ou avez-vous déjà aidé un groupe, un logement ou une organisation qui utilisait une arme contre une personne ou menacée de le faire?
  • Adakah anda pernah menjadi sebahagian daripada mana-mana kumpulan, atau adakah anda pernah membantu mana-mana kumpulan, unit, atau organisasi yang menggunakan senjata terhadap mana-mana orang, atau mengancam untuk berbuat demikian?
  • آیا شما تا به حال بخشی از هر گروه هستید، یا آیا تا به حال به هر گروه، واحد یا سازمان کمک کرده اید که از سلاح در برابر هر فرد استفاده می کرد یا تهدید کرد که این کار را انجام دهد؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم د کومې ډلې یوه برخه وه، یا تاسو کله هم په کومې ډلې، واحد، یا سازمان سره مرسته کړې چې د کوم شخص په وړاندې وسله ترسره کړي، یا داسې کوي؟
  • Вы когда-либо были частью любой группы, или вы когда-либо помогали какой-либо группе, единице или организации, которые использовали оружие против любого лица или угрожали этому?
  • Miyaad weligaa ka mid ahayd koox kasta, mise weligaa ma caawisay koox kasta, cutub, ama urur u adeegsaday hub ka dhan ah qof kasta, ama loo hanjabay inuu sidaas sameeyo?
  • Bạn có bao giờ là một phần của bất kỳ nhóm nào, hoặc bạn đã bao giờ giúp đỡ bất kỳ nhóm, đơn vị hoặc tổ chức nào đã sử dụng vũ khí chống lại bất kỳ người nào, hoặc bị đe dọa làm như vậy?

Did you EVER sell, give, or provide weapons to any person, or help another person sell, give, or provide weapons to any person?

Yes, I did / No, I didn’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez vendiste, le entregaste, o le proporcionaste armas a cualquier persona, o ayude a otra persona a vender, dar o brindar armas a cualquier persona?
  • هل سبق لك أن تبيع أو تعطي أو تزويد الأسلحة إلى أي شخص، أو تساعد شخص آخر على بيع أو إعطاء أو تقديم أسلحة إلى أي شخص؟
  • မည်သည့်လူကိုမဆိုလက်နက်များရောင်းရန်, ပေးရန်သို့မဟုတ်အခြားသူတစ် ဦး အားရောင်းချခြင်း,ပေးခြင်း,
  • 您是否曾出售,给予任何人,或帮助其他人出售,给予任何人提供武器?
  • Avez-vous déjà vendu, donnez-vous ou fournissez des armes à une personne ou aidez-vous une autre personne à vendre, de donner ou de fournir des armes à une personne?
  • Adakah anda pernah menjual, memberi, atau memberikan senjata kepada mana-mana orang, atau membantu orang lain menjual, memberi, atau memberikan senjata kepada mana-mana orang?
  • آیا تا به حال به فروش، دادن، و یا ارائه سلاح به هر فرد، و یا کمک به شخص دیگری به فروش، دادن، و یا ارائه سلاح به هر شخص؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم کوم بل کس ته وسلې ورکړئ، یا د بل چا سره مرسته کوم چې کوم کس ته د وسلو پلورلو کې مرسته وکړي؟
  • Вы когда-нибудь продавали, дали или предоставляли оружие любому лицу или помочь другому человеку, продать, дать или предоставить оружие любому человеку?
  • Weligaa ma iibisay, siisay, ama aad hub siisay qof kasta, ama waxaad ka caawisaa qof kale iibiya, sii, ama aad hub u siiso qof kasta?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ bán, cho, hoặc cung cấp vũ khí cho bất kỳ người nào, hoặc giúp người khác bán, cho, hoặc cung cấp vũ khí cho bất kỳ người nào?

Review: Questions 14-16

  1. Were you EVER a worker in a prison or a jail?
  2. Were you EVER a worker in a labor camp?
  3. Were you EVER a worker in a detention facility?
  4. Were you EVER a worker in a prison camp?
  5. Were you EVER a worker in any place people were forced to stay?
  6. Were you EVER involved in any way with a group that used a weapon against any person, or threatened to do so?
  7. Did you EVER sell, give, or provide weapons to any person, or help another person sell, give, or provide weapons to any person?

N-400 Part 12, Question 15

Review: Part 12, Question 14

  1. Were you EVER involved in any way with killing, or trying to kill someone?
  2. Were you EVER involved in any way with forcing, or trying to force, someone to have any kind of sexual contact or relations?
  3. Were you EVER involved in any way with not letting someone practice their religion?
  4. Were you EVER involved in any way with genocide?

New Information: Question 15

Were you EVER a member of a military unit?

Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez fue miembro de, o ha servido alguna vez en, ayudarlo o participar en una unidad militar?
  • هل كنت عضوا في أي وقت مضى، أو فعلت في أي وقت مضى، والمساعدة، أو المشاركة بطريقة أخرى في وحدة عسكرية؟
  • သင်အဖွဲ့ 0 င်တစ် ဦး သို့မဟုတ်သင်အနေဖြင့် 0 န်ဆောင်မှုပေးခြင်း, အကူအညီဖြစ်စေရန်,
  • 您是否曾经是一名成员,或者您有没有服务于,帮助或以其他方式参加军事单位?
  • Étiez-vous jamais membre ou avez-vous déjà utilisé, aide ou participer à une unité militaire?
  • Adakah anda pernah menjadi ahli, atau adakah anda pernah berkhidmat, membantu, atau sebaliknya menyertai unit tentera?
  • آیا شما تا به حال عضو، یا آیا تا به حال در خدمت، کمک، و یا در غیر این صورت شرکت در یک واحد نظامی؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم یو غړی یاست، یا تاسو کله هم په نظامي واحد کې مرسته، یا بل ډول برخه واخلئ؟
  • Вы когда-либо были членом, или вы когда-либо служили, помогите или иным образом участвуют в военной единице?
  • Weligaa ma xubin ka ahayd, mise weligaa ma u adeegtay gudaha, caawimaad, ama haddii kale kaqeybqaadata cutub militari?
  • Bạn có bao giờ là thành viên của, hoặc bạn đã bao giờ phục vụ, giúp đỡ, hoặc tham gia vào một đơn vị quân sự?

Were you EVER a member of a paramilitary unit?

Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez fue miembro de, o ha servido alguna vez en, ayudarlo o participar en una unidad paramilitar (un grupo de personas que actúan como un grupo militar pero no forman parte del ejército oficial)?
  • هل سبق لك أن كنت عضوا في أي وقت مضى، أو هل ساعدت في أي وقت مضى، أو المشاركة، أو المشاركة بطريقة غير عسكرية (مجموعة من الأشخاص الذين يتصرفون مثل مجموعة عسكرية ولكنهم ليسوا جزءا من الجيش الرسمي)؟
  • သငျသညျအစဉျအမွဲအဖွဲ့ဝင်တစ် ဦး သို့မဟုတ်သင်အမှုတော်ဆောင်ခဲ့ဖူးပါသလား (စစ်တပ်အုပ်စုကဲ့သို့ပြုမူကြပေမယ့်တရားဝင်စစ်ရေး၏အစိတ်အပိုင်းမဟုတ်ပေမယ့်)?
  • 您是否曾在一名或以其他方式参加参数劳动的单位(一群人)的员工,或者是官方军团的一群人的服务,而不是官方军事的一部分)?
  • Étiez-vous déjà membre ou avez-vous déjà utilisé, aidez-vous ou participer à une unité paramilitaires (un groupe de personnes qui agissent comme un groupe militaire mais ne font pas partie de l’armée officielle)?
  • Adakah anda pernah menjadi ahli, atau adakah anda pernah berkhidmat, membantu, atau sebaliknya menyertai unit paramiliter (sekumpulan orang yang bertindak seperti kumpulan ketenteraan tetapi bukan sebahagian daripada tentera rasmi)?
  • آیا شما تا به حال عضو، یا آیا تا به حال در خدمت، کمک، و یا در غیر این صورت شرکت در یک واحد شبه نظامی (گروهی از افرادی که مانند یک گروه نظامی عمل می کنند، اما بخشی از نظامی رسمی نیستند)؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم یو غړی یاست، یا تاسو کله هم په نیمه حویلۍ کې، مرسته، یا یا بل په خدمت کې برخه اخیستې وه مګر د نظامي ډلې په څیر د نظامي ډلې په څیر برخه واخلئ مګر د رسمي اردو برخه نه لرئ)؟
  • Вы когда-либо были членом, или вы когда-либо служили, помогите или иным образом участвуют в военизированном подразделении (группа людей, которые действуют как военная группа, но не являются частью официальных военных)?
  • Weligaa xubin kama ahayn, ama weligaa ma u adeegtay gudaha, caawimaad, ama haddii kale kaqeybqaadata cutub milatari (koox dad ah oo u dhaqma sidii koox milatari laakiin aan ka mid ahayn millatariga rasmiga ah)?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ là thành viên của, hoặc bạn đã bao giờ phục vụ, giúp đỡ, hoặc tham gia vào một đơn vị bán quân sự (một nhóm người hành động như một nhóm quân sự nhưng không phải là một phần của quân đội chính thức)?

Were you EVER a member of a police unit?

Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez fue miembro de, o ha servido alguna vez en, ayudarlo o participar en una unidad policial?
  • هل كنت عضوا في أي وقت مضى، أو فعلت في أي وقت مضى، مساعدة، أو المشاركة بطريقة أخرى في وحدة الشرطة؟
  • မင်းအဖွဲ့ 0 င်တစ်ယောက်လား, ရဲတပ်ဖွဲ့တစ်ခုမှာ 0 င်ရောက်ဖူးလား,
  • 您是否曾经是一个成员,或者您有没有服务于,帮助或以其他方式参加警察单位?
  • Étiez-vous déjà membre de, ou avez-vous déjà servi à participer à une unité de police?
  • Adakah anda pernah menjadi ahli, atau adakah anda pernah berkhidmat, membantu, atau sebaliknya menyertai unit polis?
  • آیا شما تا به حال عضو، یا آیا تا به حال در خدمت، کمک، و یا در غیر این صورت شرکت در یک واحد پلیس؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم یو غړی یاست، یا ایا تاسو کله هم په خدمت کې خدمت کړی، مرسته، یا بلخوا د پولیسو واحد کې برخه واخلئ؟
  • Вы когда-нибудь были членом или вы когда-либо служили, помогите или иным образом участвуют в полицейском подразделении?
  • Weligaa ma xubin ka ahayd, mise weligaa miyaad u adeegtaa, caawimaad, ama haddii kale kaqeybqaadashada qaybta booliska?
  • Bạn có bao giờ là thành viên của, hoặc bạn đã bao giờ phục vụ, giúp đỡ, hoặc tham gia vào một đơn vị cảnh sát?

Were you EVER a member of a self defense unit?

Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez fue miembro de, o ha servido alguna vez en, ayudarlo o participar en una unidad de autodefensa?
  • هل كنت عضوا في أي وقت مضى، أو فعلت في أي وقت مضى، والمساعدة، أو المشاركة بطريقة أخرى في وحدة الدفاع عن النفس؟
  • သင်သည်အသင်း 0 င်တစ် ဦး သို့မဟုတ်သင်ကိုယ်တိုင်အနေဖြင့်မိမိကိုယ်ကိုကာကွယ်ရန်, ကူညီခြင်း,
  • 您是否曾经是一名或者您有没有服务于,帮助或以其他方式参与自卫部门?
  • Étiez-vous déjà membre ou avez-vous déjà utilisé, aide ou participer à une unité d’autodéfense?
  • Adakah anda pernah menjadi ahli, atau adakah anda pernah berkhidmat, membantu, atau sebaliknya menyertai unit pertahanan diri?
  • آیا شما تا به حال عضو، یا آیا تا به حال در خدمت، کمک، و یا در غیر این صورت شرکت در یک واحد دفاع از خود؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم یو غړی یاست، یا تاسو کله هم په خپل دفاع کې مرسته، مرسته، یا بل ډول برخه واخلئ؟
  • Вы когда-либо были членом, или вы когда-либо служили, помогите или иным образом участвуют в единице самообороны?
  • Weligaa ma xubin ka ahayd, mise weligaa miyaad u adeegtaa, caawimaad, ama haddii kale kaqeybqaadata waaxda is-difaaca?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ là thành viên của, hoặc bạn đã bao giờ phục vụ, giúp đỡ, hoặc tham gia vào một đơn vị tự vệ?

Were you EVER a member of a vigilante unit?

Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez fue miembro, o alguna vez sirvió, ayudó o participó en una unidad de vigilancia (un grupo de personas que actúan como la policía, pero no son parte de la policía oficial)?
  • هل سبق لك أن كنت عضوًا في ، أو هل كنت قد خدمت في أي وقت مضى ، أو تشارك بطريقة أخرى في وحدة اليقظة (مجموعة من الأشخاص الذين يتصرفون مثل الشرطة ، لكنهم ليسوا جزءًا من الشرطة الرسمية)؟
  • သင်အဖွဲ့ 0 င်တစ် ဦး သို့မဟုတ်သင် 0 န်ဆောင်မှုပေးခြင်း, ကူညီခြင်း,
  • 您是否曾经是或您曾经担任过,或以其他方式参加警惕单位(一群像警察一样行事但不属于官方警察的人)?
  • Avez-vous déjà été membre de, ou avez-vous déjà servi, aidé ou autrement participé à une unité de vigilance (un groupe de personnes qui agissent comme la police, mais ne font pas partie de la police officielle)?
  • Adakah anda pernah menjadi ahli, atau adakah anda pernah berkhidmat, membantu, atau sebaliknya mengambil bahagian dalam unit vigilante (sekumpulan orang yang bertindak seperti polis, tetapi bukan sebahagian daripada polis rasmi)?
  • آیا تا به حال عضو بوده اید ، یا تا به حال در یک واحد هوشیار (گروهی از افرادی که مانند پلیس عمل می کنند ، اما بخشی از پلیس رسمی نیستند) در یک واحد هوشیار شرکت کرده اید یا در غیر این صورت شرکت کرده اید؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم یو غړی یاست، یا تاسو کله هم په داسې انګیرلین واحد کې مرسته کړې، یا بل ډول په یو کې د خلکو ګروپ کې برخه واخلئ، مګر د رسمي پولیسو برخه نه لرئ)؟
  • Были ли вы когда -либо членом или когда -либо служили, помощи или иным образом участвовали в подразделении бдительности (группа людей, которые действуют как полиция, но не являются частью официальной полиции)?
  • Weligaa ma xubin ka ahayd, ama weligaa ma u adeegtay gudaha, caawimaad, ama haddii kale kaqeybqaadata cutubka foosha xun (koox dad ah oo u dhaqma sida booliska, laakiin aan ka mid ahayn booliiska rasmiga ah)?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ là thành viên của, hoặc bạn đã từng phục vụ, giúp đỡ, hoặc khác tham gia vào một đơn vị cảnh giác (một nhóm người hành động như cảnh sát, nhưng không phải là một phần của cảnh sát chính thức)?

Were you EVER a member of a rebel group?

Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez fue miembro de, o ha servido alguna vez en, ayudarlo o participar en un grupo rebelde?
  • هل كنت عضوا في أي وقت مضى أو فعلت في أي وقت مضى، والمساعدة، أو المشاركة بطريقة أخرى في مجموعة المتمردين؟
  • သူပုန်အုပ်စုတွင်သင် 0 င်ရောက်ခြင်း, ကူညီခြင်း,
  • 您是否曾经是一名成员,或者您有没有服务于,帮助或以其他方式参加反叛组织?
  • Étiez-vous jamais membre ou avez-vous déjà utilisé, aide ou participer à un groupe rebelle?
  • Adakah anda pernah menjadi ahli, atau adakah anda pernah berkhidmat, membantu, atau sebaliknya menyertai kumpulan pemberontak?
  • آیا شما تا به حال عضو، یا آیا تا به حال در خدمت، کمک، و یا در غیر این صورت شرکت در یک گروه شورشی؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم یو غړی یاست، یا تاسو کله هم خدمت وکړ، مرسته، یا بل ډول په یاغي ډلې کې برخه واخلئ؟
  • Вы когда-либо были членом, или вы когда-либо служили, помогите или иным образом участвуют в группе повстанцев?
  • Weligaa xubin xubin ka ahayd, mise weligaa ma u adeegtay gudaha, caawimaad, ama haddii kale kaqeybqaadashada koox fallaagada ah?
  • Bạn có bao giờ là thành viên của, hoặc bạn đã bao giờ phục vụ, giúp đỡ, hoặc tham gia vào một nhóm phiến quân?

Were you EVER a member of a guerrilla group?

Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez fue miembro de, o ha servido alguna vez en, ayudarlo o, de lo contrario, participar en un grupo guerrillero (un grupo de personas que usan armas contra o de otro modo ataque físicamente a los militares, la policía, el gobierno u otras personas)?
  • هل كنت عضوا في أي وقت مضى، أو فعلت في أي وقت مضى، مساعدة، أو المشاركة، بطريقة أخرى في مجموعة حرب العصابات (مجموعة من الأشخاص الذين يستخدمون الأسلحة ضد أو يهاجمون جسديا جسديا للجيش أو الشرطة أو الحكومة أو الآخرين)؟
  • ပြောက်ကျားအုပ်စုတွင်သင် 0 င်ရောက်ခြင်း, ကူညီခြင်း,
  • 您是否曾经是一名或者您有没有服务,帮助或以其他方式参加游击队(一群使用武器或以其他方式攻击军事,警察,政府或其他人)的人?
  • Étiez-vous déjà membre ou avez-vous déjà utilisé, aidez-vous ou participer à un groupe de guérilla (un groupe de personnes qui utilisent des armes contre ou d’attaquer physiquement physiquement l’armée, la police, le gouvernement ou d’autres personnes)?
  • Adakah anda pernah menjadi ahli, atau adakah anda pernah berkhidmat, membantu, atau sebaliknya mengambil bahagian dalam kumpulan gerila (sekumpulan orang yang menggunakan senjata terhadap atau melainkan secara fizikal menyerang tentera, polis, kerajaan, atau orang lain)?
  • آیا شما تا به حال عضو، یا آیا تا به حال در خدمت، کمک، و یا در غیر این صورت شرکت در یک گروه چریکی (گروهی از افرادی که از سلاح ها علیه و یا به طور فیزیکی به ارتش، پلیس، دولت یا سایر افراد حمله می کنند، شرکت کردند؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم یو غړی یاست، یا تاسو کله هم په ګوریلا ګروپ کې، مرسته، یا بل ډول برخه واخلئ څوک چې په نظامي، پولیسو، حکومت، یا نورو خلکو) په وړاندې وسلې کاروي یا نو له فزیکي پلوه)
  • Вы когда-либо были членом, или вы когда-либо служили, помогите или иным образом участвуют в партизанской группе (группа людей, которые используют оружие против или иным образом физически атакуют военные, полицию, правительство или другие люди)?
  • Weligaa ma xubin ka ahayd, ama weligaa ma u adeegtay gudaha, caawimaad, ama haddii kale kaqeybqaadasho koox gerdilo ah (koox dad ah oo hub ka gees ah ama haddii kale jir ahaan jir ahaan loo geysto militariga, booliska, dawladda, ama dadka kale)?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ là thành viên của, hoặc bạn đã bao giờ phục vụ, giúp đỡ, hoặc tham gia vào một nhóm du kích (một nhóm người sử dụng vũ khí chống lại hoặc tấn công vật lý của quân đội, cảnh sát, chính phủ hoặc người khác)?

Were you EVER a member of a militia?

Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez fue miembro de, o ha servido alguna vez en, ayudarlo o participar en una milicia (un ejército de personas, no parte del ejército oficial)?
  • هل كنت عضوا في أي وقت مضى، أو فعلت في أي وقت مضى، مساعدة، أو المشاركة بطريقة أخرى في ميليشيا (جيش من الناس، وليس جزءا من الجيش الرسمي)؟
  • သငျသညျအစဉျအမွဲအဖွဲ့ဝင်တစ် ဦး သို့မဟုတ်သင်တစ် ဦး အမှု၌အမှု၌အမှု၌အမှု၌အမှုတော်ဆောင်ခဲ့ခြင်း,
  • 您是否曾经是一名,或者您有没有服务于,帮助或以其他方式参与民兵(一群人,而不是官方军事)?
  • Étiez-vous jamais membre ou avez-vous déjà utilisé, aide ou participer à une milice (une armée de personnes, ne faisant pas partie de l’armée officielle)?
  • Adakah anda pernah menjadi ahli, atau adakah anda pernah berkhidmat, membantu, atau sebaliknya menyertai seorang militia (tentera orang, bukan sebahagian daripada tentera rasmi)?
  • آیا شما تا به حال عضو، یا آیا تا به حال در خدمت، کمک، و یا در غیر این صورت شرکت در یک شبه نظامی (ارتش از مردم، نه بخشی از نظامی رسمی)؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم یو غړی یاست، یا تاسو کله هم په ملیشو کې مرسته، مرسته یا بلنه په ملیشو کې برخه اخیستې وه (د خلکو لښکر) د رسمي پوځي برخه نه وي)؟
  • Вы когда-нибудь были членом, или вы когда-либо служили, помогите или иным образом участвуют в милиции (армию людей, а не частью официальных военных)?
  • Weligaa ma xubin ka ahayd, ama weligaa ma u adeegtay, caawimaad, ama haddii kale kaqeybqaadata maleeshiyaadka (ciidan dad ah, oo aan ahayn qayb ka mid ah millataarka rasmiga ah)?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ là một thành viên của, hoặc bạn đã bao giờ phục vụ, giúp đỡ, hoặc tham gia vào một dân quân (một đội quân của người dân, không phải là một phần của quân đội chính thức)?

Were you EVER a member of an insurgent organization?

Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez fue miembro de, o ha servido alguna vez en, ayudarlo o participar en una organización insurgente (un grupo que usa armas y peleas contra un gobierno)?
  • هل سبق لك أن كنت عضوا في أي وقت مضى، أو هل ساعدت في أي وقت مضى، أو المشاركة، أو المشاركة بطريقة أخرى في منظمة المتمردين (مجموعة تستخدم أسلحة ويقاتل ضد الحكومة)؟
  • သငျသညျအစဉျအမွဲအဖွဲ့ဝင်တစ် ဦး သို့မဟုတ်သင်က insurgent အဖွဲ့အစည်းတစ်ခုတွင်အစဉ်အဆက်အမှုတော်ဆောင်ခြင်း, အကူအညီသို့မဟုတ်ပါ 0 င်ခြင်း (အစိုးရမှလက်နက်များအသုံးပြုသောအုပ်စု) တွင်ပါ 0 င်ခဲ့ဖူးပါသလား။
  • 您是否曾是一名的成员,或者您有没有服务于,帮助或以其他方式参与叛乱组织(一个使用武器和对政府斗争的小组)?
  • Étiez-vous déjà membre de, ou avez-vous déjà utilisé, aide ou participer à une organisation insurgée (un groupe qui utilise des armes et des luttes contre un gouvernement)?
  • Adakah anda pernah menjadi ahli, atau adakah anda pernah berkhidmat, membantu, atau sebaliknya menyertai organisasi pemberontak (sebuah kumpulan yang menggunakan senjata dan pergaduhan terhadap kerajaan)?
  • آیا شما تا به حال عضو، یا آیا شما تا به حال در خدمت، کمک، و یا در غیر این صورت شرکت در یک سازمان شورشی (گروهی که از سلاح ها و مبارزه علیه دولت مبارزه می کنند)؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم یو غړی یاست، یا تاسو کله هم په کار کولو، مرسته، یا بل ډول کې برخه اخیستې وه (یوه ډله چې د حکومت په وړاندې وسله او جنګونه کاروي)؟
  • Вы когда-либо были членом, или вы когда-либо служили, помогите или иным образом участвуют в повстанческой организации (группа, которая использует оружие и борьбы с правительством)?
  • Weligaa ma xubin ka ahayd, ama weligaa ma u adeegtay gudaha, caawimaad, ama haddii kale kaqeybqaadata urur kacdoon (koox adeegsata hubka oo la dagaallama dawladda)?
  • Bạn có bao giờ là thành viên của, hoặc bạn đã bao giờ phục vụ, giúp đỡ, hoặc tham gia vào một tổ chức nổi dậy (một nhóm sử dụng vũ khí và chiến đấu chống lại một chính phủ)?

Review Question 15

  1. Were you EVER a member of a military unit?
  2. Were you EVER a member of a paramilitary unit?
  3. Were you EVER a member of a police unit?
  4. Were you EVER a member of a self defense unit?
  5. Were you EVER a member of a vigilante unit?
  6. Were you EVER a member of a rebel group?
  7. Were you EVER a member of a guerrilla group?
  8. Were you EVER a member of a militia?
  9. Were you EVER a member of an insurgent organization?

Practice answering online:

Helping the President

Review: Congress + The President

  • What does congress do in this video?
  • What does the president do in this video?
  • Do you think it is fast to make laws, or slow?

Can you answer these questions? What questions (and answers) are connected to this video?

  1. What are the two parts of Congress?
  2. Where is the Statue of Liberty?
  3. Who makes federal laws?
  4. Who is in charge of the executive branch?
  5. In what month do we vote for President?*
  6. Who is the Commander in Chief of the military?
  7. Who signs bills to become laws?
  8. What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now?
  9. Who vetoes bills?
  10. We elect a President for how many years?

Reading + Civics

Official White House photo by Adam Schultz

The job of president is really difficult. However, the president has a lot of help and support. One person who works with the president is the Vice President.

The Vice President is also from the same political party as the President. Sometimes the President can no longer serve. That means the president may retire, get sick, or even die.

If the President can no longer serve, who becomes President? –> The Vice President

Mike Johnson

The constitution has a plan for a lot of different situations. It is really important to have a president, because they are the commander in chief.

So, if the both the President and the Vice President can no longer serve, the Speaker of the House will become the new president.

If both the President and the Vice President can no longer serve, who becomes President? –> The Speaker of the House

Official White House photo by Adam Schultz

The President is in charge of the Executive branch, so they have many people who work with them. The most important helpers are the Cabinet.

The Cabinet is a group of 16 people who help the President. The President chooses the Cabinet members. The Senate can say “yes” or “no” to the President’s choices.

What does the President’s Cabinet do? –> Helps the president

Each person in the Cabinet is in charge of one department or part of the executive branch. The Vice President is also a member of the Cabinet.

Other Cabinet-level positions include:

Secretary of Agriculture ▪ Secretary of Commerce ▪ Secretary of Defense ▪ Secretary of Education ▪ Secretary of Energy ▪ Secretary of Health and Human Services ▪ Secretary of Homeland Security ▪ Secretary of Housing and Urban Development ▪ Secretary of the Interior ▪ Secretary of Labor ▪ Secretary of State ▪ Secretary of Transportation ▪ Secretary of the Treasury ▪ Secretary of Veterans Affairs ▪ Attorney General

What are two Cabinet-level positions? –> Secretary of State and Vice President

  1. If the President can no longer serve, who becomes President?
  2. If both the President and the Vice President can no longer serve, who becomes President?
  3. What does the President’s Cabinet do?
  4. What are two Cabinet-level positions?

The President

Review: Questions about the president

  1. What is the name of the President of the United States now?*
  2. What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now?*
  3. What is the political party of the President now?
  4. How old do citizens have to be to vote for President?*

Reading and Civics

The constitution defines the United States government. It sets up the legislative branch and the judicial branch.

We have read and learned about Congress and the Courts. There is one more major part of the American government. Do you know what it is?

The executive branch is the final part of the US government. The President is the leader of this part. The President is in charge of the executive branch.

Who is in charge of the executive branch? –> The President

The executive branch has many important departments and offices. The President has a lot of power in this part of the government.

The President is responsible for these departments, including:

  • The State Department
  • Homeland Security
  • The Department of Justice
  • The Department of Education
  • The Department of Defense

The Department of Defense includes the military. The President is the Commander in Chief of the military. This means they are the #1 boss of the military.

Who is the Commander in Chief of the military? –> The President

The President cannot make new federal laws. Congress makes federal laws. But, Congress must work with the President.

A new law is called a bill. If the Senate and the House agree on a bill, they send it to the President. If the President signs the bill with their name, it becomes a law.

Who signs bills to become laws? –> The President

But, sometimes the President does not agree with Congress. If the President does not sign the bill, it will not become a law.

When the Presidents says “no!” to a bill, it is called a veto. Only the President can veto a bill.

Who vetoes bills? –> The President

The writers of the Constitution did not want the United States to have a king. They did not want to have presidents serve for life.

So, we have a democratic election for President. We elect a President for 4 years.

We elect a President for how many years? –> 4

We vote for President almost at the end of the year. We vote for President in November. Election day is usually on the first Tuesday in November.

In what month do we vote for President?* –> November

  1. Who is in charge of the executive branch?
  2. Who is the Commander in Chief of the military?
  3. Who signs bills to become laws?
  4. Who vetoes bills?
  5. We elect a President for how many years?
  6. In what month do we vote for President?*

Bonus: How does the US elect a president?

This information helps us understand more about voting.

Questions for listening:

  • Who votes for president?
  • Why does it take a long time to count all the votes?
  • What do we call the system of choosing the president with all 50 states and Washington D.C.?
  • What is one good way to learn news about the US Election?

N400 Part 12: Question 14

N400 Vocabulary Review

N-400 Questions 11-14B

  1. Have you ever advocated (either directly or indirectly) the overthrow of any government by force or violence?
  2. Have you ever persecuted (either directly or indirectly) any person because of race, religion, national origin, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion?
  3. Between March 23, 1933 and May 8, 1945, did you work for or associate in any way (either directly or indirectly) with The Nazi government of Germany?
  4. Were you ever involved in any way with badly hurting, or trying to hurt, a person on purpose?
  5. Were you ever involved in any way with torture?

N400: Part 12, Question 14

Were you EVER involved in any way with killing, or trying to kill someone?

Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez estuviste involucrado de alguna manera con matar, o tratando de matar a alguien?
  • هل شاركت بأي حال من الأحوال مع القتل، أو تحاول قتل شخص ما؟
  • သတ်ခြင်းနှင့်တစ်စုံတစ် ဦး ကိုသတ်ရန်ကြိုးစားခြင်းနှင့်မည်သည့်နည်းဖြင့်မဆိုသင်ပါဝင်ပတ်သက်ခဲ့ပါသလား။
  • 你曾经有过任何方式杀人,还是试图杀死某人?
  • Avez-vous déjà participé de quelque manière que ce soit avec tuer ou essayer de tuer quelqu’un?
  • Adakah anda pernah terlibat dengan apa-apa cara dengan membunuh, atau cuba membunuh seseorang?
  • آیا شما تا به حال به هیچ وجه با کشتن، و یا تلاش برای کشتن کسی؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم د وژلو سره په هیڅ ډول ښکیل یاست، یا د یو چا د وژلو هڅه کوم؟
  • Вы когда-нибудь были вовлечены в любое время с убийством или пытаться убить кого-то?
  • Miyaad weligaa ku lug lahayd si kasta oo lagu dilo dil, ama isku day inaad qof disho?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ tham gia vào bất kỳ cách nào với việc giết chết, hoặc cố gắng giết một ai đó?

Were you EVER involved in any way with forcing, or trying to force, someone to have any kind of sexual contact or relations?

Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez estuviste involucrado de alguna manera con forzar, o tratar de forzar, alguien que tenga algún tipo de contacto sexual o relaciones sexuales?
  • هل شاركت بأي حال من الأحوال مع إجبارها، أو تحاول إجبار شخص ما على أي نوع من الاتصالات الجنسية أو العلاقات الجنسية؟
  • လိင်ဆက်ဆံခြင်းသို့မဟုတ်ဆက်ဆံရေးမျိုးရှိရန်တစ်စုံတစ် ဦး ကိုအတင်းအကျပ်စေခိုင်းခြင်း,
  • 你是否曾在任何迫使或试图迫使某人有任何类似的性接触或关系?
  • Avez-vous déjà participé de quelque manière que ce soit de forcer ou d’essayer de forcer quelqu’un à avoir une sorte de contact sexuel ou de relations?
  • Adakah anda pernah terlibat dengan apa-apa cara dengan memaksa, atau cuba memaksa, seseorang mempunyai sebarang hubungan seksual atau hubungan?
  • آیا شما تا به حال به هیچ وجه با مجبور کردن یا تلاش برای مجبور کردن، کسی که هر گونه تماس جنسی یا روابط جنسی داشته باشد؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم په جبري کولو کې دخیل یاست، یا د زور کولو هڅه کول، یو څوک د کوم ډول جنسي اړیکه یا اړیکې لري؟
  • Вы когда-либо были вовлечены в любое время с принуждением, или пытаться заставить, кто-то имеет какого-либо сексуальных контактов или отношений?
  • Weligaa miyaad ku lug lahayd si kasta oo lagu qasbay, ama isku dayo inaad xoog yeelatid, qof inuu haysto nooc kasta oo galmo ama xiriir?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ tham gia vào bất kỳ cách nào với việc ép buộc, hoặc cố gắng ép buộc, ai đó có bất kỳ loại liên lạc hoặc quan hệ tình dục nào?

Were you EVER involved in any way with not letting someone practice their religion?

Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez estuviste involucrado de alguna manera con no dejar que alguien practique su religión?
  • هل كنت متورطا بأي حال من الأحوال مع عدم السماح لشخص يمارس دينهم؟
  • တစ်ယောက်ယောက်ကိုသူတို့ရဲ့ဘာသာတရားကိုမကျင့်သုံးတဲ့နည်းနဲ့သင်ပါဝင်ခဲ့ဖူးလား။
  • 你有没有参与任何不以任何不允许别人练习他们的宗教信仰?
  • Avez-vous déjà participé de quelque manière que quelqu’un ne laisse pas pratiquer leur religion?
  • Adakah anda pernah terlibat dengan apa-apa cara dengan tidak membiarkan seseorang mengamalkan agama mereka?
  • آیا تا به حال به هیچ وجه درگیر نیستید که اجازه ندهید کسی دین خود را انجام دهد؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم د کوم چا سره د چا د مذهب عمل کولو په هیڅ ډول ښکیل یاست؟
  • Вы когда-либо были вовлечены в любой способ, не позволяя кому-то практиковать свою религию?
  • Miyaad weligaa ku lug lahayd si kasta oo aan u oggolaanaynin qof inuu ku dhaqmo diintooda?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ tham gia vào bất kỳ cách nào mà không để ai đó thực hành tôn giáo của họ?
Rwanda Genocide memorial, picture by Fanny Schertzer

Were you EVER involved in any way with genocide?

Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t / No, never

  • ¿Alguna vez te involucró de alguna manera con el genocidio?
  • هل كنت متورطا بأي حال من الأحوال مع الإبادة الجماعية؟
  • သင်သည်လူမျိုးတုံးသတ်ဖြတ်မှုနှင့်အတူမည်သည့်လမ်းအတွက်ပါဝင်ပတ်သက်ခဲ့ကြပါသလား?
  • 你有没有参与任何种族灭绝的方式?
  • Avez-vous déjà participé de quelque manière que ce soit avec le génocide?
  • Adakah anda pernah terlibat dengan apa-apa cara dengan pembunuhan beramai-ramai?
  • آیا شما تا به حال به هیچ وجه با نسل کشی دخیل هستید؟
  • ایا تاسو کله هم د نسلینګ نسل سره دخیل یاست؟
  • Вы когда-нибудь были вовлечены в любой способ с геноцидом?
  • Weligaa miyaad ku lug lahayd si kasta oo ay ku jirto xasuuq?
  • Bạn đã bao giờ tham gia vào bất kỳ cách nào với diệt chủng?
  1. Were you EVER involved in any way with killing, or trying to kill someone?
  2. Were you EVER involved in any way with forcing, or trying to force, someone to have any kind of sexual contact or relations?
  3. Were you EVER involved in any way with not letting someone practice their religion?
  4. Were you EVER involved in any way with genocide?

The Senate and The Supreme Court

Congress has two parts: the House and the Senate. The Senate is smaller, but has more power and respect.

For example, the Senate has the power to approve or deny the president’s choices for the cabinet and the courts. The Senate decides to impeach presidents or other federal positions, too.

Each state has only two senators. Each senator works for all the people in the state.

In Oregon, your senators represent you if you live in Portland.

Your U.S. senators represent you if you live in Beaverton or Washington county.

Your U.S. senators represent you if you live in Salem.

Your U.S. senators represent you if you live in Klamath Falls, Ontario, or Burns.

Your U.S. senators represent all the people of the state.

Who does a U.S. Senator represent? –> All people of the state

Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley

Every state has two senators, and we have 50 states. So, we have 100 senators in total.

Do you remember the senators from your state? In Oregon, they are Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley.

How many U.S. Senators are there? –> 100

Senators have a lot of respect. For example, we elect representatives for only 2 years. We elect the president for only 4 years. But we elect US senators for 6 years!

We elect a U.S. Senator for how many years? –> six

Now, let’s learn about another part or branch of the government: the courts, or judicial branch. Judges review laws and interpret them so we can understand them.

Also, if congress or the president do something against the law of the constitution, the courts can hold them responsible. This is an example of checks and balances.

What does the judicial branch do? –> Reviews laws / interprets laws

Every county in every state in the U.S. has a court. There are courts above those courts. And every state has a supreme court, too. We also have federal courts for every state, and courts above those courts.

The highest court in the U.S. is The Supreme Court.

What is the highest court in the United States? –> The Supreme Court

The Roberts Court, April 23, 2021. Seated from left to right: Justices Samuel A. Alito, Jr. and Clarence Thomas, Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., and Justices Stephen G. Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor .Standing from left to right: Justices Brett M. Kavanaugh, Elena Kagan, Neil M. Gorsuch, and Amy Coney Barrett. Photograph by Fred Schilling, Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States

The judges on the supreme court are special, and are called justices. When one retires or dies, the president can choose a new judge. But, the Senate has to approve the new justice.

Justice Stephen G. Breyer (Retired) administers the Judicial Oath to Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson in the West Conference Room, Supreme Court Building. Dr. Patrick Jackson holds the Bible. Credit: Fred Schilling, Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States.

In February 2022, Justice Stephen Breyer made a plan to retire from the Supreme Court, and President Biden chose Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to join the Supreme Court.

After Biden nominated Jackson, the Senate interviewed her and discussed her nomination. On April 7, 2022, the Senate confirmed her to the Supreme Court. She is the first African-American woman on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Right now, there are still nine justices on the Supreme Court. John Roberts is the chief justice.

How many justices are on the Supreme Court? –> nine

Review: The House, the Senate, and the Supreme Court

  1. Who makes federal laws?
  2. What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress?*
  3. We elect a U.S. Representative for how many years?
  4. Why do some states have more Representatives than other states?
  5. The House of Representatives has how many voting members?
  6. Who does a U.S. Senator represent?
  7. How many U.S. Senators are there?
  8. We elect a U.S. Senator for how many years?
  9. What does the judicial branch do?
  10. What is the highest court in the United States?
  11. How many justices are on the Supreme Court?